When you get to the last enemy in an encounter, shoot em in the leg, then walk up and finish em

All playthroughs on the hardest difficulty. No prompts. No aim assist
This will start my Encounter series.
If you wanna put hands on them stealth is the only optionI haven’t encountered any clickers yet...jeezus christ the sound is blood curdling in this game
Lol.i'd throw the controller at the TV in frustration. Not built for that Hardest difficulty life
dawg the infected got buffed all across the board compared to the first game, im convincedI haven’t encountered any clickers yet...jeezus christ the sound is blood curdling in this game
dawg the infected got buffed all across the board compared to the first game, im convinced
fukk themya in recently playing part 1...the infected are more so of a nuisance...they are outright scary looking/intimidating in this one tho
fukk them
They can't run this fade.