This is a game that wants to force you to play it a certain way. That way is mostly melee stealth kills or setting traps. Guns for the most part are worthless. The ammo is to artificially limited and they're too noisy. Often times I come across ammo but the game won't let me carry anymore so I have to either shoot a few bullets to pick it up or just leave it.
I've also in segments tried to use other people as distractions or use myself as one and try to get the partner to kill the enemy. For the most part this doesn't work because the enemies will ignore other characters and just focus on attacking the player. The partner AI also isn't smart enough to dispatch an enemy unless it's a scripted segment. The partner characters are mostly just decoration. Even when they're with you the truth is you're really by yourself and can't count on them for much.
I've started losing my patience and I just rush the group of enemies over and over again until I pass the segment. I really wish the game allowed for different play styles.

Dina coming through in the clutch for me, she took out a Shambler by herself while I was running around with no ammo

Maybe turn your ally AI up???