I'm 9 minutes into episode 9 of the new season 5. I can't believe we had to wait till the end of the final season before we finally see Uhtred retake Bebbanburg. I thought this would've happened in the show a long time ago.
How tho?
Alfred never once intimated that he had a desire to help Uhtred take Bebbanburg.
In fact, Uhtred never even wasted his time asking him.
And throughout Alfred's lifetime, Uhtred was sworn to him and bound to wessex.
The only time he could actually make a play for Bebbanburg was s4 and he tried it as soon as the season started and failed.
Truth of the matter is, there was no way he was ever going to take Bebbanburg without an army.
He had a slight sliver of a chance if Witgar never came back. He was gonna grab his uncle and force him to give up.
Once Witgar took over with his own contingent of men, he had no way to take Bebbanburg as far as sneaking in.
He would always need an army at the back. That was why he liked the idea of Guthred being the king of Cumberland because if Guthred was indebted to him, then he might be willing to take his army north to fight for Bebbanburg.
But of course that turned out how it turned out.
If Alfred never forces him to give his oath for a second time, Uhtred more than likely gets Ragnar to raise an army for him to take Bebbanburg. But of course that turned out how it turned out.
Edward was the only chance Uhtred had of getting an army north. And Edward didn't really want to do it. And looking back on it, he was right because he gained absolutely nothing.
Well he saved his niece but he didn't really care about that. He gained nothing for Wessex by going north. He was tricked.
And I dont even like Edward like that, but I can be impartial and acknowledge that he got played.