There's a difference between respecting ourselves vs respecting ourselves so others will treat us better. Tupac spoke out against police brutality and racism without laying the blame on us, unlike now where you have black folks who try to play both sides of the fence.
Both sides of the fence huh?
2pac said:The same crime element that white people are scared of black people are scared of. While they waiting for legislation
to pass, we next door to the killer. All them killers they let out,they're in that building. Just because we black,
we get along with the killers? What is that?
2pac said:The real tragedy is that there are some ignorant brothers out here. That’s why I’m not on this all white or all black shyt. I’m on all real or all fake shyt with people, whatever color you are. The same nikkaz that did Malcolm X, the same nikkaz that did Jesus Christ, every brother ain’t a brother. They will do you. So just because it’s black, don’t mean it’s cool. And just because it’s white, don’t mean it’s evil.
- It's not them that's knocking us off, it's us that's knocking us off!
- They tell me it's the white man I should fear, it's my own kind doing all the killing here
Pac woulda got with that "what about black on black crime"