No shyt. That's the point.
no, it is not.
as you made a comment like sting and macho were not who they were.
when, anyone who is a smart.
of which, you are not.
any smart knows that sting and macho were both booked as champion.
with a certain goblin and flair there looking to sabotage their draw.
to protect their slot on the card.
when, if booked properly, both would have developed or sustained a boom period.
go and see what type of content and booking both sting and macho got.
as a matter of fact clique rules were developed solely damn near off, limiting sting and macho.
plus, its effectiveness to dull a boom period and return the former me clique guy to prominence.
were authenicated with sting and macho being the main victims.
so, how are macho and sting less.
when, they were a+ guys before being tampered with.
also, people fail to realize hogun and flair.
only flair had real talent wholeheartedly, and was limited by wwf monopolizing tv deals.
both, were in on limiting savage and sting multiple times.
when, real talk.....
both guys were feared as both guys originally were the best heels at one point, argueably.
the reason why their former promotions were talent raided was to acquire them.
they were both a players.
only thing separating them was rocky and the will of their companies to see them fully mature.
as mainstream draws, of which both were severely tampered with for the duration of their reigns in the mainstream promotions.
the difference with a guy like hhh is.
he used the clique rules to the best of his know how.
with the promotions full cooperation and continually failed.
that is why he is lower and a b+ player.
all of the clique guys, who drew heavily.
outside of flair and hogun were B+ player to B-minus guys.
as they had the entire promotion behind them and failed as draws.
when given the ball, that goes for hall, Nash, hbk, and hhh.
as, neither of them, ever were really over on their own as some phenomenon.
they were just there and manipulating coups, admin wise.
plus, ruined and had little vision inring as characters to sustain a boom or create one.
only time clique guys achieved was when a boom establishing a+ guy was around on his own.
as in other promtions, before the first company to have a boom.
they never really drew.
same goes for hall, as needed hennig.
plus, hall never drew by himself.
he had a great character in wwf.
yet, he needed the wwf to do it.
he was never as over by himself as a top flight heel or babyface like, sting or macho in other promotions.
same as hbk, hhh, Nash, and others.
as a matter of fact, the clique outside of 123 kid.
were never over or known like that in other promotions.
even hbk was a ripoff of the rnr express in the awa and he was never over like say Jericho in Smokey, or stampede.
which is why I say the clique were at best, B+ to B- minus guys.
as the clique guys needed clique rules to get admin aid.
plus, never succeeded with a variable that alwasy included a promotion who had someone attached to a boom.
sting and macho were phenomenons as draws before they went somewhere that had people connected to a boom period.
plus, if not tampered with.
could have sustained said boom, rather easily.
including, huge mainstream stars that could have rivaled hogun and flair if not tampered with.
Art Barr