My God man, there is no way you are even a college graduate, let alone a biologist:
1) Analogy: a comparison between two things, typically on the basis of their structure and for the purpose of explanation or clarification.
2) Randomness can't produce a functional string with 1MB of data, what does that mean? That means it would take the entire existence of the universe for random walk to produce 1 functional string out of just 1MB of data. In layman's terms (I'm starting to think I'm being too scientific here) assuming the 1MB of data was a bunch of random letters, it would take the entire existence of the universe for random walk to produce one coherent sentence, let alone a paragraph
3) So the analogy is that while randomness can't make sense out of 1MB of data, you are proposing it can create a universe and everything that exists within it
This is a non-sensical statement.
Its like saying windows can't produce ice cream
Data is NOT the universe. Its a mechanism used to represent other things. It itself doesn't exist.
and 1 MB is such a usless statistic.
Even further, even if 1 MB was your standard, it doesn't matter. If you take a biochem class you'd be sitting there thinking DNA couldn't be created because its so "random" but that doesnt change that it IS what it IS.
You're applying your standard for whats "random" based on what you observe...which is flawed because the idea of "randomness" doesn't exist.