Religion/Spirituality The Intelligent Design/God/Theism Thread


May 19, 2012
I feel u on that..I was just sayin let people comment and if/when they debate then quote and source the article. Thread might lose attention if people come in here and just see endless blocks of text off the bat. I think it was a great OP and good change of pace on religious threads.

Yes, I hear you boss, but the link I am quoting covers in intimate detail most of the arguments for/against ID. So going forward I can just refer to specific posts. I want this to be a definitive thread on ID, a lot of people have the wrong idea about ID and/or creationists


May 19, 2012
34] Behe is Jumping to Conclusions on P. falciparum and his so-called edge of evolution. P. falciparum did not evolve because it did not need to evolve: it is so perfect already that it cannot improve upon itself
We must first note that it is credible that this malaria parasite, every year, has more reproductive opportunities than the entire family of mammals, over its entire existence in the fossil record and today.

Also, because of the impact of malaria as a disease, it has been one of the most intensely studied medical challenges, and as a result, the organism has been confronted with several powerful drugs over nearly a century, leading to powerful selection pressure. The net result: only mutations up to the level of two co-ordinated point changes yielding drug resistance have been observed; with an epidemiologically observed frequency of incidence that implies an empirical probability of about 1 in 10^20; in rough accord with theoretical considerations.

The dismissive assertion above therefore simply flies boldly in the face of the facts of what P. falciparum “needed” to achieve in the way of differential reproduction, and had abundant opportunity to achieve; but plainly did not. So, let us now review several examples:

  1. P. falciparum is excluded from a vast reproductive opportunity because it cannot survive in cold climates. Extending its range into temperate climates would vastly increase its reproductive potential. Evidently the necessary mutations for this require more than just a few interdependent mutations. It failed to increase its range in billions of trillions of replications.
    1. The human-produced and administered drug chloroquine has killed billions of trillions of individual P. falciparum yet in billions of trillions of mutational opportunities to resist this drug, which requires just a few point mutations, it only found a way to resist, through random mutation and natural selection, about 10 times. In none of those 10 times did the RM+NS “improved” version of the parasite pass the improvements on into the parasite population at large.

    2. A hemoglobin mutation in humans (sickle cell) confers resistance to P. falciparum (causing it to starve as the mutated hemoglobin clogs up its digestive mechanisms). Again in trillions of mutational opportunities P. falciparum failed to evolve any means of surviving in the sickle cell environment. Evidently this too requires more than just a few chained interdependent mutations.
    How does modern evolutionary theory, with all its glut of potential Darwinian mechanisms beyond the modern synthesis’s random mutation plus natural selection, explain these failures to evolve complex structures under intense selection pressure when given far more opportunity to evolve than all the mammals that ever lived?


NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
Yes, I hear you boss, but the link I am quoting covers in intimate detail most of the arguments for/against ID. So going forward I can just refer to specific posts. I want this to be a definitive thread on ID, a lot of people have the wrong idea about ID and/or creationists

Aight. :cook: away. Ill lurk and check back in later


May 19, 2012
35] What About the spreading of antibiotic resistance?
From Wikipedia: “Antibiotic resistance can be a result of horizontal gene transfer, and also of unlinked point mutations in the pathogen genome”.

In other words, there are two kinds of antibiotic resistance. The first is due to the propagation via horizontal gene transfer of genes which already exist: no new information is created, and the information in the existing genes for resistance remains to be explained just like any other biological information. The second is a well known form of microevolution, usually easily explained by a single point mutation well in the limits of what random variation can accomplish, especially in fast replicators like bacteria.

It is perfectly true that antibiotic resistance spreads according to the principles of positive natural selection, when the environmental pressure (the antibiotic) is present. That is well known, implies no problem for ID, and is just the best confirmation of what minimal microevolution and NS can really do. :mjpls:


May 19, 2012
36] ID Proponents Talk a Lot About Front-Loading But Never Explain What It Means
Front loading is a descriptive term for a common approach in engineering and in operations or strategic management, which comes in several textures. In general it refers either to (i) the act of putting processes in place that will anticipate some future contingency, or (ii) creating or selecting material means to accomplish a goal in accordance with a previously conceived specification.

In that sense, front loaded processes know where they are going, they “look ahead.” If that last sentence sounds clumsy, it is because a missing piece, the designer, was left out of it. Intelligent agents, or designers, can produce forms, sequences, and structures by applying boundary constraints to limit possibilities, something that mindless forces cannot do.

Darwinian processes, on the other hand, by definition, cannot plan ahead or limit possibilities.

Darwinian evolution is a “purposeless, mindless process that did not have man in mind.”As a direct result, such mechanisms are challenged to fashion new body plans, or create complex new biological information; precisely because they are not front loaded, and don’t know where they are going or why they exist. So, it should be no surprise that, in spite of all the claims made on its behalf, the actual direct observational evidence over the past 150 years shows that Darwinian processes are remarkably limited in power and scope.
On that evidence, it can explain only the “survival of the fittest,” through micro-evolution; it cannot explain “arrival of the fittest,” through macro-evolution. For, the process cannot “unfold” purposefully according to an “internal principle,” it can only “adapt” slavishly to the “outside” environment.”
By contrast, front loading is a special theory about how CSI may have been implemented by the designer(s) of living beings: the information for the future development of organisms may have been included in some common ancestor, so that it could express itself gradually in the course of natural history, without requiring further interventions of the designer. The front loading hypothesis can have different formulations, and is a theory about the modalities of implementation of design, and not a causal theory, because in that kind of hypothesis design remains anyway the main cause of biological information.

Front loading hypotheses, in that sense, are therefore a subset of theories in the general ID scenario, but other theories about the modalities of implementation do exist, such as the possibility of repeated, more or less gradual interventions of the designer in the course of natural history.


May 19, 2012
38] At its foundation ID is based on a logical construct that posits that for any proposition A, A cannot be true and false at the same time and in the same formal relation. Modern quantum mechanics has proven this logical construct – the so-called “law of non-contradiction” — is outdated and does not always holds true.
IN A NUTSHELL: UD’s contributor StephenB has put his finger on the basic problem here: Scientists do not use observed evidence to evaluate the principles of logic; they use the principles of logic to evaluate such evidence.

We can see this from how the quantization of energy levels was first discovered by Planck in 1900.

He was studying the so-called black body radiation problem, where if we have a cavity with a small hole in it, there is a definite roughly bell-curve shaped peaked spectrum of light from the hole that depends on the temperature but not the materials the cavity is made of. (Think about how and why the pupils of our eyes or the mouth of a cave or a pinhole in a closed box all look flat black.)

Classical models could to some extent explain one skirt or another, but not the peak and fall-back on its other side, hence talk of the Ultraviolet “catastrophe.” It was as though once the frequency moved up, the light “had” to come in larger and larger lumps.

So, roughly speaking, Planck proposed just that as a model:

E_lump = h*f,

f being the oscillation frequency of tiny oscillators in the walls of the cavity. He was hoping to then smoothen it off in the usual way that happens in calculus. But his lumps of light would not go away, and he was stuck with quanta of radiation when it is emitted or absorbed. (And of course, h is now known as Planck’s constant, 6.626 * 10^-34 Js.)

Then, five years later, Einstein came along with his study of the photoelectric effect, and showed how that sort of lumpiness of light would also explain another puzzle, the reason why light below a certain threshold frequency would not knock off electrons from a metal surface in a vacuum.

He called the lumps of light “photons,” and Quantum Theory was born. (BTW, this is what is mainly responsible for Einstein’s Nobel Prize; he did not get it for his then even more controversial theory of relativity. In addition, those who imagine that physics in particular does not study or explain on causes, should ask themselves: what does an effect point to?)

But now, let us look closer: at each stage, the scientists were comparing observations with what the classical theory predicted, and were implicitly assuming that if the theory, T, predicted observations, O, but we saw NOT-O instead, then T was wrong.

Q: Why is that?

A: Because they respected the logical law of identity [LOI], and its travelling companions, the law of non-contradiction [LNC] and the excluded middle [LEM]. If a scientific theory T is consistent with and predicts observations O, but we see the denial of O, i.e. NOT-O, O is first seen as distinct and recognisably different from NOT-O [LOI]. The physicists also saw that O and NOT-O cannot both be so in the same sense and circumstances [LNC], and they realised that once O is a distinct phenomenon they would see O or NOT-O, not both or something else [LEM]. (Where also, superposition is not a blending of logical opposites, but an interaction between contributing parents, say P and Q to get a composite result, say R; as we can see with standing waves on a string or a ripple tank’s interference pattern.) Going further, when such scientists scratched out their equations and derivations on their proverbial chalk boards, they were using distinct symbols, and were reasoning step by step on these same three laws. In short, the heart of the scientific method inescapably and deeply embeds the classic laws of thought. You cannot do science, including Quantum Theory science, without basing your work on the laws of thought. :mjpls: So, it is self-refuting and absurd to suggest that Quantum Theory results can or do undermine these laws of thought.
In short, to then suggest that empirical discoveries or theoretical analysis now overturns the basic laws of thought, is to saw off the branch on which science must sit, if it is to be a rational enterprise at all. And, while it is easy to get lost in the thickets of quantum weirdness, if we trace carefully, we will always see this. MORE DETAILS . . .


May 19, 2012
39] ID is Nothing More Than a “God of the Gaps” Hypothesis
Famously, when his calculations did not quite work, Newton proposed that God or angels nudged the orbiting planets every now and then to get them back into proper alignment. Later scientists were able to show that the perturbations of one planet acting on another are calculable and do not in aggregate skew the calculations. Newton’s error is an example of the “God of the gaps” fallacy – if we do not understand it, God must have done it.

ID is not proposing “God” to paper over a gap in current scientific explanation. Instead ID theorists start from empirically observed, reliable, known facts and generally accepted principles of scientific reasoning:

(a) Intelligent designers exist and act in the world.

(b) When they do so, as a rule, they leave reliable signs of such intelligent action behind.

(c) Indeed, for many of the signs in question such as CSI and IC, intelligent agents are the only observed cause of such effects, and chance + necessity (the alternative) is not a plausible source, because the islands of function are far too sparse in the space of possible relevant configurations.

(d) On the general principle of science, that “like causes like,” we are therefore entitled to infer from sign to the signified: intelligent action.

(e) This conclusion is, of course, subject to falsification if it can be shown that undirected chance + mechanical forces do give rise to CSI or IC. Thus, ID is falsifiable in principle but well supported in fact.

In sum, ID is indeed a legitimate scientific endeavor: the science that studies signs of intelligence.



May 19, 2012
1. it doesn't matter what you believe since theres no evidence to support it

2. Your logic is inherently flawed because it tries to simplify complex biology into notionations that don't comprise even all known (and inherently unknown) conditions.

3. None of this "logic" (or perversion of such a concept) demonstrates any known evidence biological or scientifically demonstrable supporting your views

Induction doesn't confirm beliefs or answer scientific questions

1) I stated my beliefs because in the athiest (:mjlol: at the spelling) thread people asked me about my beliefs

2) I can cite posts in my thread if you like, but my proof deals with complexity, whether it is a computer, a chair, or E.coli is irrelevant. If you want to take it to the molecular level we can go there :mjpls:, but you should probably start first with disproving the proof :mjpls:

3) Hmmm again, feel free to peruse the thread, or if you would like a swift death, I can just cite specific posts for you to debate, the choice is yours :manny:


a) That is your fatal flaw in understanding. I stated I believe in ID, however, ID is not a belief, it is a summary of results based on the scientific principle to show the ridiculousness of believing all this occured randomnly

b) My induction proof revolved around complexity. It's impossible to be true at the micro/macro level for a complex entity with in a set involving that entity occurs by chance while a simpler entity within the same set occurs due to intelligent design


May 19, 2012
I consider myself to believe in Intelligent Design to a degree but I think a lot of the specific people and labels involved in terms of deities and their role in the development of the Universe is largely story-telling and fables.

And, actually, Logic/Algorithms play a sizable role in my belief system in terms of the intricate order of the Universe. Although I waver a bit from time to time on this..I also think that randomness/chaos can also be seen as a part of the design just as much as it can be seen as proof of the alternative.

I complete agree breh, to me ID is about putting a scientific process to what is obvious, that there is order in everything. Enough with the mythology, let's get to the facts :myman:

Actually, I see "randomness" as looking at the picture too closely, check out the following gif and video:

