They're not even really trying to appease to them.
Despite what some people want to claim virtually all of these moves have taken liberties with various elements of these stories.
Truth be told when it comes to Marvel they're just trying to make the best movies they possibly can that general audiences will enjoy.
Thanks for pointing this out. And yea, lets not pretend that the 1 to 2 billion that the avengers made globally came largely from "comic book fans". lol yea right (unless ur being very loose with the term), I'd bet most of those muthafukkas who watched didn't even know fury used to look like david hasselhoff or knew anything in depth past what they saw in cartoons, video games, toys or the lunch boxes they use to take to school. No different than how some people were lookin at ryan reynolds some years ago like "cool green lantern!.. but aint he supposed to be black tho?

" bcuz of the justice league cartoon.
The general audience at large don't know (or really care) about no damn specifics.. they're just in it for the concept and the special effects.
That's why audiences in unison got hyped when they name dropped "Robin" in TDKR but many might've been like

if the director had used 'Richard' or 'Grayson' for that spot.
Its also why the actual comics always bend over in favor of the movies/cartoons by throwin "continuity" to the bushes and whoring out characters like wolverine on every cover and in every storyline. Or doing shyt like deading spider-man's marriage or introducing david hasselhoff's bald headed, one-eyed biracial b*stard child.
its about attracting the general audience and tryin to milk as much profit out of them when lightning does strike, and sometimes they can get real shameless with shyt lol