The Horn of Africa Current Events Thread


Apr 30, 2012
I can see that being the case. AJE definitely takes the side of the protesting group in most of its stories. I’m thinking that now that internet has returned they’ll begin to more accurately report things on the ground. I think the success of Oromo nationalists is because not many Ethiopians really thought it would get this big and they was no counter narrative. In fact, Oromos have been in full command of the narrative and still raising funds through Facebook. It’s only now that other Ethiopians are beginning to push back.

I agree, Oromos have legit grievances. As far as I’m concerned, the definition of Ethiopian has to expand from just some highlander phenomenon. We gotta be real and remember that the name Ethiopia goes far beyond Axum or Abyssinia and as such it includes the Oromos. With that said, I can’t tell you what other issues they have. They got their own flag, are mostly autonomous, administer and teach in their language and are allowed to practice their customs. I was told by a family member that they’d read in one time that the schism came about because Meles double crossed the OLF when the TPLF came to power. Oromos were supposed to have their own Eritrea made from crude maps in the bush and Meles decided against it. I’m not sure how true that is but paranoia of Amhara domination when the Imperial era ended in 1974 and the victim complex shyt with regards to Abiy’s Pan Ethiopian platform has been fascinating as well as disturbing in its rinky dink, uninformed rhetoric. I personally think it has more to do with Abiy attempting to do away with the ethnic based system with a Pan Ethiopian platform and the extremist elements within the Oromo are not pleased after they had been instrumental in bringing him into power. So as a result, they want Jawar or someone else like him to run against Abiy and bank on Oromo support in the elections. It’s a strange paradox in Ethiopian politics, many people weren’t fans of Meles or the ethnic based system he implemented and yet they grip on that system desperately because it’s nature of divide and conquer is preferable for these would be fascist diasporans in America, Canada, and Europe with dreams of power. It’s like we are against how things have been done but we don’t change our ways.

The good thing is that there are many Oromos who don’t fall under the extremist umbrella and some of them have been killed over it. This has caused a rift within the Oromo themselves. That of course can help out Abiy, but he’s in some shyt right now because both the Oromo nationalists and the TPLF have ambitions to take power. As you said tho, his best bet is to be pragmatic and prudent with his approach. The GERD is an important step for him and getting that done will perhaps slow down some of the simmering tensions.

Jawar’s platform has been popular for awhile. His media operation was in Minneapolis, the heart of Oromo country in America. He came up as a young man under other Oromo nationalists that fought in conflicts. I think that gave him an audience that would listen as well as spread the message to people back home. As I’ve said in other threads, many Ethiopians shamefully have inadequate knowledge of themselves and their fellow citizens. So online media personalities on both sides are using bombastic rhetoric which has stoked the flames of zero sum ethnic politics with Rwanda style machete work on the side.

But this is much more ethnic based than religious based. But the religious angle is dangerous because Christian Ethiopians are still scarred from Ahmed Gragn and will be more likely to react if it gets increasingly religious based. But overall, Oromos are lowkey messing up their own argument with this idiocy. They act as if they were captured, brought, and forced to be Ethiopian when it was their hoards from north Kenya and southern Ethiopia/Somalia that traveled north and East during the Abyssinian-Adal wars and brutalized Cushytic speaking Muslims like the Somali Dir tribe which founded Dire Dawa and Semitic speaking Abyssinian Christians. They were opportunistic in their capture of land and now they act as if they were fully indigenous to it and had every bit of their experience imposed on them. They migrated, invaded, in some cases wiped out or forcefully assimilated smaller more vulnerable groups. So they can’t argue against a Pan Ethiopian identity that is more inclusive and can continue to adjust to accommodate any group that might feel marginalized seeing as how Oromo nationalism and extremism is the very platform of cultural hegemony they accuse the government of.

Great post and your insight/knowledge is very appreciated. I think the Oromo nationalist definitely just want their shot to run the show. That is the major driving ambition for the politicians, though the general supporters definitely believe their narrative/POV.

IMO, there may be some merit to their arguments that Ethiopian nationalism can be a cover for Amhara chauvinism at times. But I fully agree what they're offering is not a more appealing alternative for the vast majority. Its why I would be rooting for Abiys success if I was Ethiopian. He theoretically appeals to all sides ( and angers the worst of their tendencies) simultaneously. If he were to succeed, you could see this being transformative, though very obviously that is far from guaranteed. It is worrying that the security side of the state can often re-appear as unreformed/restrained. They'll have to find a way to address the security concerns and instability, without providing more fodder.

Also fascinating to me how their seems to be unanimity on GERD, despite intense ethnic divisions at the moment. Even Jawar got his tricolour out for Egypt :russ: Ethiopia has immense potential, but could also be staring at the brink. Quite remarkable times.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Great post and your insight/knowledge is very appreciated. I think the Oromo nationalist definitely just want their shot to run the show. That is the major driving ambition for the politicians, though the general supporters definitely believe their narrative/POV.

IMO, there may be some merit to their arguments that Ethiopian nationalism can be a cover for Amhara chauvinism at times. But I fully agree what they're offering is not a more appealing alternative for the vast majority. Its why I would be rooting for Abiys success if I was Ethiopian. He theoretically appeals to all sides ( and angers the worst of their tendencies) simultaneously. If he were to succeed, you could see this being transformative, though very obviously that is far from guaranteed. It is worrying that the security side of the state can often re-appear as unreformed/restrained. They'll have to find a way to address the security concerns and instability, without providing more fodder.

Also fascinating to me how their seems to be unanimity on GERD, despite intense ethnic divisions at the moment. Even Jawar got his tricolour out for Egypt :russ: Ethiopia has immense potential, but could also be staring at the brink. Quite remarkable times.

Thanks :tu:

Funny right? There are still certain things that unite everyone and the GERD is at the top of that list. Everyone gets on code with certain things, even some of the extremists. But indeed, the country is walking a dangerous tightrope. Ethiopia has a fighting chance to be a middle income country, it’s always had potential but it’s seldom been stable or properly run. Time will tell in terms of what happens.

To me, the unfortunate thing is that carpetbagger extremists are hijacking a movement with legitimate arguments. I’m actually excited that Oromos and other groups are challenging the national definition. I’ve argued this with family members a lot how much I hate docs on Ethiopia because they’re boring and only focus on the Habasha/Amhara angle. Ethiopia is one of the most complex and dynamic countries in likewise one of the most complex and dynamic regions in human history. But the loudest most extreme voices in the room are speaking for them rather than all Ethiopians reaching out to hear their concerns. Moreover, I don’t see much proactive measures being taken by the government, scholars, and media in challenging Jawar’s campaign. This should be solvable but people are dying. It’s a drop of the ball by many.

What’s difficult is language. Historically, Amharic because the closest thing to a lingua franca because of the Monarchy. So it’s the closest to a Pan Ethiopian language as you can get. The problem is that for Oromos and other groups that promotes Amhara cultural hegemony. It might be radical, but I think we should either adopt English as a neutral lingua franca or simply do like Canada and have dual representation of the top two or maybe even three languages.

At the beginning, I looked at Abiy with suspicion because a leader that could appeal to all sides would be the perfect way to keep the government the same. But as time has passed its been obvious there’s issues between him and the TPLF (who could be behind all of this ethnic madness) and him and many of his former Oromo backers. I think he’ll find his way through this but security forces still resembling an old African dictatorship is one of those ET paradoxes. Some elders joke that when things get crazy they gotta just clamp down cuz Ethiopians don’t listen to democracy the way they listen to an iron fist. I think the standards will improve as stability improves. Given what’s going on now with the people jockeying for power it seems like some old habits die hard. Seems almost the same as it was when Yohannes, Tewdros, and Menelik were all eyeing the throne. Politically, Ethiopia has been a chaotic mess for centuries and a real election would represent the first time ever that Ethiopians practiced Democracy in the modern form.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
I see Gyps tryna convince Somaliland to do that deal. fukk outta here, we already got deals with Hargeisa and we strengthing ties with Mogadishu.

Smh, I know none of y’all brehs would ever agree with me but when are we as East Africans gon start thinking more bold and more grand than we do? The EAF is a great idea that could make us regional players and much better equipped to deal with a 21st century world. But we still stubbornly hold on to colonial borders as if the shyt has helped any of us while our fellow Nile/Rift valley fam to the south build a better model of nationhood.

East Africa should be one regional state imo, we just neocolonial pawns and chickens right now for outside forces. fukk that shyt.
Jul 24, 2018
Calling all @Somalis:
You've lost a real one. A true African and Somali queen: Hawa Abdi

Famous Humanitarian Hawa Abdi Dies at 73 on 5th August 2020 CE

Renowned Somali medical doctor, philanthropist and humanitarian Dr Hawa Abdi is dead.

Dr Abdi, known by many as Mama Hawa, died in Mogadishu on Wednesday, her family announced.

"Dr Hawa [Abdi] did not have illness, but died suddenly," her children said, without giving further details.

She turned her backyard into a health clinic targeting the internally displaced in Somalia. Dr Abdi, 73, dedicated her life to the service of the poor and needy in Somalia.

In 2012, Dr Abdi was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

She was trained in the former Soviet Union in the 1970s and opened a hospital on the western outskirts of Mogadishu in the 1980s.

Over the years, she opened several health facilities in Somalia.

In 2018, she won the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Turkish government.

Famous Somali humanitarian Hawa Abdi dies at 73
Somali rights activist, Nobel Peace Prize nominee Dr. Hawa Abdi dies



Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Al Jazeera back on they campaign amplifying the Oromo madness.....:shaq2:

I’m sure they just as quiet about the ethnic killings because there’s a religious angle to it as they’re quiet for the need to sell an underdog story. Reporting from Kenya like y’all on the ground....:beli:


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Lol, I’m not used to so much sellout shyt from Ethiopians and that’s saying something. Oromk extremists outta control :francis:

Any of my fellow Horn brehs got experience dealing with banda ass nikkaz? Banda in Amharic basically means traitor or one who collaborated with enemies or is against the people.

Max B

Mar 31, 2014
Ethiopian parliament is rejecting the Tigray elections. As much as I want amharas and Tigrays to smoke each other. Chaos in the horn isn’t good for anybody in the region


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Whole lotta flooding going on downstream....:sas1:

.....a lotta brehs gettin bit in the ass by crocs n shyt....:sas2:’s almost like they could use a big ass dam to help them contain the excess water....:sas1:

......oh well......:sas2:


All Star
Nov 19, 2016
Crazy escalation of tensions the last few days. Ethiopia damn near officially at civil war?



All Star
Nov 19, 2016

Looks like Ethiopian federal forces alongside Amhara regional militia is routing TPLF in western Tigray and are pushing north, occupying disputed land areas like Welkait and Kafta Humera