that is coldblooded. I apologize for the bumped threads but this is like food for my soul. I missed out on alot of these threads and stopped going to the Root as much for a couple years.
But ain't that statement the truth. What makes it more embarrassing is that Mexicans even with having more of an understanding to white supremacy than African immigrants is that they and the whites can understand white supremacy while being racist to AAs.

We have two racist groups more familiar with and understanding white supremacy more than the Black immigrants. That is some sad shyt.
Also i know some of you must have noticed how some of them, both african and caribbean have started to act brand new now and get all militant. It took immigration visas/ green cards being revoked for them to wake up about racism but when we were talking about police brutality it couldn't be understood
Talk about how lazy and dumb AAs and their children are but these are the same Einsteins that never decided to upgrade a 30 year old green card into a citizenship then got shocked and appalled that they are being sent back with green cards
I don't think yall have gone into depth about this aspect but think about the consequences and what is gonna happen down the line. To me its obvious that whether or not immigration reform is passed soon, the point is that whatever it ends up being will be strict and Black immigrants will be at the back of the line with Hispanics in front and then they will get their wakeup call even more.
You will see the Black Immigrants slow down with talking to their kids about how white schools are such a Utopia(i know yall remember how they always did that) and acting as if black schools are so terrible(while not knowing about Hbcus and charter schools). Now you will see them try to be on some

down in the South and learning more about AA colleges/universities/charter schools.
AAs were already more educated, it was just that the media took small sample sizes of immigrants and skewed the numbers. However with more AAs moving down south where we have much of her black universities, black owned banks and black businesses, and black suburbs we will become even more advanced. And i been on record saying already we will go through a Renaissance Period.
Black Immigrants will be on that waiting list for immigration and the ones who did get caught up, remember they have to stay for a certain time in their country before coming back.
They can keep running to Canada, UK and France to escape their problems like what they always do but those countries will eventually have their own versions of a Trump one day too(especially France) and it will teach them to stop running all over the place and staying in one spot.
They can't run from their Blackness forever