Being an immigrant is very mercenary. People move from their country of origin to another country mostly for economic reasons or safety or protection from persecution. In case of African immigrants, it is not different for African immigrants. No immigrant fleeing these types of situations is thinking about building solidarity with a segment of native population of his/her adopted country, their primary concern is survival in the literal sense of the word and also economically. This perception maybe changes once subsequent generations are born and assimilate to American culture and become American not through naturalization but by birth and sees America as their home or all they know.
On your last paragraph, they are not here to help you in your war because they have never studied your history just like you have not studied theirs especially those who have arrived pre internet information age. I don't expect an American curriculum to teach about African history just like I don't expect the history curriculum of X African country to talk about the civil rights movement in the US. People in that part of the world see America purely as the land of economic opportunity and do not know how their access to opportunity in terms of Black immigrants was facilitated by the struggles and fight of AAs. I don't expect immigrants from Latin America to be well versed in the struggle of Cesar Chavez.
Black race consciousness without resources does not do any good. If anything that would change the position of Black people overall is the consciousness of Africans in the continent where there are 1.2 billion of them and fix their own country and start behaving a functioning unified nation states with good governance.
We need to be pushing for separate designation on the census.These black immigrants identify as African American because there's huge cultural and LEGAL value in doing so. There's also huge cultural and legal ramifications that come as a result of identifying as African American.
This is where the duplicitous, parasitic nature of the black immigrant comes in.
They'll claim to be us when it benefits them, and try to turn it off when that specific pressure of being African American becomes too real for them.
From what i can tell, this happens for two main reasons:
1. Our forward thinking approach of Black First makes us blind to false allies and leeches who are still practicing Petty Tribalism
2. Loose governmental policies, identifiers, and applications that (On paper) allow, and FORCE black immigrants to blend into our ethnicity - and ultimately eat off of our resources and cultural capital while they simultaneously practice cultural exclusion AGAINST us.
Loose governmental bullshyt like this. The hispanics and asians got all kinds of ethnic options but look at the Black option
They are purposely ignoring the fact.I agree with basically everything but the bolded. It's more like many purposely ignore this fact than actually not grasping it.
I agree with basically everything but the bolded. It's more like many purposely ignore this fact than actually not grasping it.
Nobody purposely ignores anything. We all know that most Americans can't even name their own vice president, mayor or even the capital of their own state. Most Americans are not well versed on current events even in their own country why do you expect immigrants who have no knowledge of this country except of what they see on TV (which is not history) but shiny objects such as entertainment, movies and reality shows which build up the perception of America as a country of wealth and economic opportunity.
Immigrants no matter the background don't know about American history and just want to make money. How many immigrants do you see in the social sciences at your university. Most of them are indoctrinated that hard sciences get you good jobs and good jobs translate in making more money. The history of America isn't even in their rear view mirror for them to ignore. They are in the US to earn a better living that's it and if you were to go in places where they came from, I wouldn't blame them either. Whether their way of going about doing things in their new country is right or wrong? Then that's up for debate but trust me the overwhelming majority of them are here for survival and economic prosperity and the sense of history about this country are not in their rear view mirror for them to purposely ignore.
We all know that most Americans can't even name their own vice president, mayor or even the capital of their own state. Most Americans are not well versed on current events even in their own country
Noone moves to a country w/o knowing more than what they see on TV about it plus, Afram Civil Rights movement was/is known world wide. It would be impossible to NOT know that the afram struggle in the USA played some roll in paving the way for you n the USA![]()
Frangala what's your ethnicity if you don't mind me asking?
Yes people know about the summary of the Civil Rights movement and please if you get a chance to travel please do. Most of what American exports to the world is soft power BS and entertainment at least pre internet age.
neither africa or the carib are/were ignorant to afarm struggle/civil rights
"Newsweek recently gave 1,000 Americans the U.S. Citizenship test and found that their knowledge of the history and running of their own country was seriously lacking. Although the majority passed"Born and raised in DC to Congolese parents.
How ignorant are Americans? An alarming number of U.S. citizens don't know basic facts about their own country | Daily Mail Online
More Than 40 Percent of Americans Cannot Name VP Candidates
"Newsweek recently gave 1,000 Americans the U.S. Citizenship test and found that their knowledge of the history and running of their own country was seriously lacking. Although the majority passed"
come on Fran....
"Asked to identify Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton's running mates, 41 percent of respondents could not correctly name the GOP's vice presidential nominee and 46 percent were unsure of the name of the Democratic vice presidential nominee."
nominees are not set in stone during campaign season Fran, that's how Palin was unleashed unto the world.
Black people don't have the privilege to be politically ignorant Fran u from DC " Chocolate city" u should know this.
Lol not down here ma, not in NC. Black folk gotta stay on they Ps and Qs because these rebbish white folk are going to exercise their rights in the name of white JesusBro, I didn't single out Black people it's an American phenomenon. Go down to any American city no matter how big or small ask random people about facts about American geography, branches of government, # of senators, how many stars how many stripes on the flag, what's the number of the original colonies etc... all that stuff they teach in social studies class in school.
Most are going to fail and that's just a symptom of being a world superpower, when you are raised and socialized to think "America #1" you become ignorant you don't want to learn about your own country as deep as you should let alone the countries outside of it. Immigrants also buy into "America #1" and don't care about its history or the history of certain demographics within the country and just try come over here to make it in life because it has been marketed as a country that gives you an opportunity to succeed and a true meritocracy and if you work hard enough you could make it. That's it.
They are purposely ignoring the fact.
Most Black immigrants are highly educated this whole notion that they are uninformed and must be handled with kid gloves is Bullshyt and is just an attempt at "gas lighting"
It's a way to move the goal post so that the conversation is moved from how Black immigrants aren't benefitting the larger African American community to civil rights and slavery.
Then people claim we're trying to force our history and heritage on them. Rinse and repeat.
I've caught in to this game Black immigrants like to play.