i dont think thats a given at all the democratic party is also the party of atheists and gay marriage and they stand against charter schools and vouchers
There are a lot of black gays... and Obama is an ardent Christian
Plus charter schools in many ways have reintroduced segregation... how does that help any minority
You really think so, when nobody has been asking these questions for years? And even if they do start asking question, do you think they are going to run to the party that flat out demonizes the things that helped black people integrate further into American society?after obama leaves i think people will start asking questions about things like affirmative action, unions and entitlements, i think a lot of black people will slowly turn like me where i dont really give a fuk about any of these things
Even if black people start asking legit questions about Democratic policy, you have to be an IDIOT to think they would run to the party that writes us all off as savage welfare monkey criminals in the hopes of seeking better conditions for ourselves. The Dems might be failing us but the Republicans don't even want anything to do with usYou can call it whatever you want but even now you can here a lot of grumbling in the black community about the democratic party and liberal ideas, I'm predicting that when Obama is gone from the scene those grumblings will get louder
Who is going to switch sides? GOP hates black people. GOP regularly marginalizes women. GOP hates gays. GOP hates immigrants. Low key, GOP hates old people. And they are very vocal about who they hate. Not only that, like I already said they are hugely hypocritical. You don't have to dig deep to see that not only do their policies not make sense, most of them don't practice what they preach. They are just as favoritist as the left, but for a shrinking piece of the populationbit anyways I disagree that there is demographic time bomb, I think the electorate and the parties will change to keep the 2 parties even
Dont get me wrong, I am not letting the left off the hook, nor do I even support them at this point, but as far as survival goes they are much better positioned ideologically. You have to be an idiot to not see that.