LMAO, I swear of all the times i've stayed in ATL I've never seen these hoards of black gays running around, except for this one time in Midtown. I think some black people aren't used to be around gay black people.
i visited and it wuznt what i thought it would be at all,even in Lennox

...maybe the ammount of gays didnt seem crazy to me cuz of how it wuz hyped up to me..
on the other hand i went to greensboro NC and i KEPT seeing homos and drag queens

...walking through what i think was the hood,in the dollar store,in walmart,at my hotel in PACKS breh

...so maybe expectations hurt my perspective on both...i expected it to be worse than what i saw in atl...and far as greensboro,yall got a problem out there

...never seen so many trannys in ALL my years combined than i saw in the two days i wuz there at random family establishments
but i also must say the bad bytches in NC though

...i dont know if that wuz regular or not but

...just dont make eye contact with none over 5'8