All Star
So wait, what are you into? Don't take this the wrong way babygirl, but I feel like you're looking for someone to help you figure out what you're into as opposed to exploring and taking chances on your own.
A lot of folks end up disliking ATL or not taking full advantage because they stuck in a mindset of not wanting to be "uncomfortable." ATL has a bit of everything if you explore but it's a difficult city if you're just waiting for the fun to come your way.
You lived in MIA and PHILA? Shiiiiitttt, no reason to be afraid of anything.
This is amazing. Definitely gives the feeling of culture and exploration. I like what you're doing.
Not waiting for anything to come my way, I just expect there to be more than just clubs. Before coming to ATL, that's all people talked my ear off about of. How great the clubs here were when I'm not interested in that. One thing I miss about Miami was the multiple activities there were. I went kayaking, scuba diving, etc. Stuff like that I'm into. Most activities I see offered here, its not fun doing alone. I haven't been here long enough to make friends yet so..