It didn’t affect the show though. Short of hoping she’d show up in an episode or two to close her character out, the show benefited from her absence.u serious? they couldnt even get the main character
I kinda believe it based soley on the fact that she was beefin with multiple people on the show. Not just Will. She had issues with Will, she had issues with Alfonso, she had issues with both the producers and even disrespected Jada out of nowhere when Jada was boycotting the 2016 oscars. How is this all on Will, when she is the only common denominator.Always a narrative to get goofy Will off the hook..with co workers, his kids,
Well if Jada represents Will, of course she go get on her case and motives. The producers and Carlton are gonna kiss Will's ass so no $hit they will find issues with her..thats the gimmick of being a big star..everyone takes your word first...thats how rapists get away with $hit. "I have credibility. You don't. Who's gonna believe you?" I think Will is a fake phony ass nygga that has no backbone as his wife has proven this year. Nygga used to hate on gangsta rap when he was doing Getting Jiggy with it shyt..was proud to say that shyt damn well knowing white girls and goofball white boys was playing that sorry shyt at the time.I kinda believe it based soley on the fact that she was beefin with multiple people on the show. Not just Will. She had issues with Will, she had issues with Alfonso, she had issues with both the producers and even disrespected Jada out of nowhere when Jada was boycotting the 2016 oscars. How is this all on Will, when she is the only common denominator.
so they were only cast members kissing his ass? seems weird to me. there were alot of people on that show that would have had that same motivation if that was the case.Well if Jada represents Will, of course she go get on her case and motives. The producers and Carlton are gonna kiss Will's ass so no $hit they will find issues with her..thats the gimmick of being a big star..everyone takes your word first...thats how rapists get away with $hit. "I have credibility. You don't. Who's gonna believe you?" I think Will is a fake phony ass nygga that has no backbone as his wife has proven this year. Nygga used to hate on gangsta rap when he was doing Getting Jiggy with it shyt..was proud to say that shyt damn well knowing white girls and goofball white boys was playing that sorry shyt at the time.
Whores come in many fashion...especially in Hollywood. When Beyonce turned on the first original members of Destiny's Child with replacements, they were angry and ready to sue. Called her out for being fake but of course she sent a few checks and now it's all good. they were only cast members kissing his ass? seems weird to me. there were alot of people on that show that would have had that same motivation if that was the case.
This was great. It was nice seeing the behind the scenes footage especially the readings, and before the takes as well as some of the stories
I didn't expect it to be as emotional as it was, but as soon as Ashley said "James used to sit right there"and the segment on Uncle Phil
It was also nice to finally see Janet and Will heal and hear each other out. When Janet mentioned that calling a black actress "difficult" in the early 90s, it was almost impossible to come back from. I also never knew about the problems at home she dealt with during season 3. I wish they would've shown more scenes of her talking and reuniting with the rest of the cast.
Also for everyone wondering where Carlton was during the Janet scene:
at them putting out their reunion special before the Friends one.
"Living Single" already did a muted one....Latifah and Kim Alexander were the only two who didn't show up.But I would like to a Living Single Reunion. That would be dope!
Yeah, but that would mean that him and Tisha would have to air out what REALLY happened...not sure if they've reached that point yet.Martin gotta do one
....oh wow, you mean Friends DIDNT steal an idea?
fukk Friends forever for ripping off "Living Single" and acting like they didn't.