wonder how asians will respond since the photos on that diversity and inclusion page shows a bunch of them and not one individual of African descent.
DEI is basically code for anything that isn't a conservative white male. Claudine Gay was the face and trigger point of it a few months ago.
As if they don't have a shiiiiitload of bad engineering and low-performance pilots, captains, drivers, etc. causing disasters around them. You know how many ships we've seen hit docks for example or how many trains have derailed? How about all the goofy problems with all types of aircrafts for decades? How about all the European cars having electrical issues and people on social media exposing how shytty they're built?
We just going to ignore all the other calamities and destruction to nature they cause though right? Remember that enormous oil leak off the coast of Huntington Beach back in 2021? Remember the Ohio train derailment from 2023? Mass majority white companies.
Norfolk Southern Railway - nobody called that out for their race did they? A company like Boeing? 61% of the company is white. End of the day it's a bunch of people feeling insecure they're losing STEM jobs and degrees to people of color and women.
It's like they say, you got to be 100x better for 1/10th the credit.