Spades Of Aces
The Infinity Watcher
The fear is real or maybe he wasn't trying to get sucked in the speed force too
Wally being tricked into giving Savitar the very thing he needed
Low-key Kaitlyn helped the team by being selfish and thinking of a way to get rid of her powers.
Julian acting scared to channel Savitar, put the gear on and help out the team. You lucky you're a part of Team Flash now
Savitar being future Barry theories - "My greatest enemy is my inner me"
My theory is if Barry went into the Speed Force at that moment to get Wally, Savitar would've had pretty much free reign on Team Flash. Also, if he knocked Savitar in the Speed Force, Savitar may have done even worse things to Wally. Although the Flash was frozen in place, him letting Wally go was the only play he had.
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