Barry was feeling born again by the speed force
, only for Zoom to remind him that just because the universe is for you, doesn't mean that you still won't have to face trials and tribulations
. Even in the clutches of death, Henry reminding Barry that he and his mother are proud of him and loved him
. Right when Henry was about to start something up with that doctor too. The sequence where Barry saved her from the crumbling building was well done
Crazy to think that both of his parents died at the hands of super villains that were jealous of him in some way, yet his life has been filled with a ton of tragedy.
Black Siren though
. Her costume and powers were both stronger than they were on Arrow and Laurel seemed to be having fun playing the bad girl. How she know Reverb was left-handed though
. It's people I work with everyday and I couldn't tell you what hand they write with
Cisco's T-shirt game on the show
. Looked like Bruce Lee kicking Ryu from what I could see.
Poor Kaitlyn has PTSD now. Actress who plays her is going to be at Planet Comic Con this weekend, but I won't be able to go this year
It's cool that Wally wants to help people, but homie needs to volunteer at the soup kitchen or something. Not take on meta humans with no powers
. Anybody can be a hero, but anybody can be a victim as well
Season finale has Barry racing Zoom though