Wells really didn't have a choice. He had to tell Barry how to phase. He needs Barry alive for now so he can fully charge his shyt and get back home. The alternative was letting him get blown up and being stuck in the present. 

Post the scene from the first episode that shows Eobard stabbing Barry's mom or her getting stabbed at all.breh. we already know RF did kill her. we saw the exact scene from the first episode except from the speedsters perspective.
Said it wasn't his intention. Intention was to kill Barry. Sounds to me like he admitted it
Why would he lie to Cisco if he planned on killing him right there?This timeline/storyline was altered once Barry went back in time.
Why would he lie to Cisco if he planned on killing him right there?
What if Barry's father is the future flash but he lost his powers![]()
I have a question .... Where is future Barry.....
Hear me out... Future Barry and Eobard where fighting.. Future BArry saved baby BArry and ran off... Eobard got stuck ....
Wouldnt future barry still be looking for Eobard? is he still running around.... Wouldnt he remember that he hadnt seen Eobard since that night and go back to that night? Did he cease to exist? is he the other Barry when we see the 2 Barry's in the trailer?
I think he ceased to exist. Remember the 1st time he accidentally went back and his future self conscious phased into his former body. I suspect the same happened here. Which ALSO explains why Thawne lost his speed force, because Barry's speed ceased to exist, thus be the reason Thawne had to WAIT all those years until he takes the opportunity for Barry to obtain it.
I think he ceased to exist. Remember the 1st time he accidentally went back and his future self conscious phased into his former body. I suspect the same happened here. Which ALSO explains why Thawne lost his speed force, because Barry's speed ceased to exist, thus be the reason Thawne had to WAIT all those years until he takes the opportunity for Barry to obtain it.