Norrin Radd
To me, my board!
Movie might become Duke Nukem Forever status 

Maybe the flash actor from the future is trying to go back and stop this movie from being made and ruining his career.
shyt is Duke Nukem Forever statusMan The Flash movie is never coming out. What's this like the third or fourth director?!Just start from scratch with a new actor for Barry Allen. Ezra Miller is a good actor but his portrayal of Barry in Justice League was garbage. Had my man Barry be a socially awkward hero and not the confident Barry Allen from the comics.
Warner Bros. has dated its DC Comics solo “The Flash” movie for the summer of 2022 and will be released on July 1, the studio announced on Wednesday.
Ezra Miller will reprise his role as the scarlet speedster. Created in 1956, DC Comics’ “The Flash,” whose secret identity is Barry Allen, is a hero with the power of super speed that allows him incredible abilities, including time travel. The character was a part of Zack Snyder’s “Justice League” and debuted in 2016’s “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.”
“Nothing is ever certain in this world, but as certain as things get, we’re making a f–king crazy-dope ‘Flash’ movie,” Miller said in an interview with Playboy.
Miller called starring in the standalone movie “one of my greatest life dreams.”
“Anyone who knows about Barry Allen knows he may arrive late, very late, but once he gets there, it’s all solved. We have to trust,” Miller said.
“It” director Andy Muschietti is in talks to direct “The Flash,” an individual with knowledge of the project told TheWrap. Muschietti’s partner and sister, Barbara Muschietti, will produce along with Michael Disco on the film. “Birds of Prey” writer Christina Hodson is being eyed to write the script.
Thread needs a new title.
It looks like Warner Bros. Pictures plans for the DC Comics film The Flash are finally starting to pick up steam, even though multiple directors and scripts have cycled through the project before its latest iteration. IT Chapter Two director Andy Muschietti is coming on board to helm the film with actor Ezra Miller, who has remained attached ever since his character appeared in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. The amount of directors has changed over the last few years, and so has the plot of the film which will apparently be based on the popular event series Flashpoint.
But Muschietti recently confirmed to That Hashtag Show that their film will get a lot of changes that fans may not recognize when it hits theaters.
According to Muschietti, The Flash will be a "different version of Flashpoint than you’re expecting," hinting that the storyline in the movie might be drastically changed for the movie. He also confirmed that he plans to shoot the film this year, meaning we won't have to wait much longer before the Scarlet Speedster races back onto our screens.
The director previously spoke with Fandango about the project and revealed what compelled him to take over the troubled production, explaining why he decided he was right to tackle the first solo movie for Barry Allen.
"What captivated me about the Flash is the human drama in it," Muschietti explains. “The human feelings and emotions that play in the drama [of it]. It’s going to be fun, too. I can’t promise that there will be any horror [elements in it], really, but it’s a beautiful human story."
Some fans might still be skeptical about this news, especially so considering all of the delays and production issues that have taken place behind the scenes. But Flash actor Ezra Miller promised last year that he was dedicated to making this movie happen despite all of the setbacks.
"Anyone who knows anything about Barry Allen knows that he's always late. But then when he arrives, he gets stuff done. And that's definitely how this film's production schedule is proceeding. We're a little late," Miller explained. "But the reason why we are late, and this is the honest to god truth... We're all — and I include myself in this — we are very meticulously focused on making a movie that's not just one of the greatest superhero movies that we can possibly make. This movie's also going to be a gift to the fans."
The Flash is currently set to release in theaters on July 1, 2022.