We The North
The Jean-Ralphio fake out with the funeral is really great. Did you want to play off the idea of, “Maybe we’ll kill off one of these characters”?
We thought it was really funny to have Leslie say, “I hope you live a long happy life” and then cut to his gravestone. If the show was a little darker I guess we might have said, “Yeah, he died.” We actually had a second possible ending. He says, “We’re off to run a casino in Tajikistan.” Someone pitched an idea that made me laugh so hard to smash cut from that to an unmarked grave in Tajikistan, like he moved there and what did you think would happen opening a casino in Tajikistan? But yeah Jean-Ralphio is an insane goofball and I would like to believe that he continued to be an insane goofball for a long time. In fact, I don’t want to say what it is, but there’s a tiny easter egg very deeply buried in the finale that I hope someone finds someday, that gives you a clue about what happens to Jean-Ralphio.
Did anyone see the clue? I need to rewatch now.
The Jean-Ralphio fake out with the funeral is really great. Did you want to play off the idea of, “Maybe we’ll kill off one of these characters”?
We thought it was really funny to have Leslie say, “I hope you live a long happy life” and then cut to his gravestone. If the show was a little darker I guess we might have said, “Yeah, he died.” We actually had a second possible ending. He says, “We’re off to run a casino in Tajikistan.” Someone pitched an idea that made me laugh so hard to smash cut from that to an unmarked grave in Tajikistan, like he moved there and what did you think would happen opening a casino in Tajikistan? But yeah Jean-Ralphio is an insane goofball and I would like to believe that he continued to be an insane goofball for a long time. In fact, I don’t want to say what it is, but there’s a tiny easter egg very deeply buried in the finale that I hope someone finds someday, that gives you a clue about what happens to Jean-Ralphio.