This thread went from good to bad pretty quickly. Alot of idiots in here (no disrespect...really). I see "I'd let Parker, Duncan & Manu beat me before Danny Green" & then I read "let them shoot jumpers". I mean, y'all can't be serious right now.
Let's talk about the first point. Parker is the best player on the floor for the Spurs, with Duncan 2nd. You can't play a "let Parker beat you" game, because that's precisely what will happen. He has the ball in his hands more than anyone. He gets a few (but not alot) of buckets off pure iso's. The rest of the time, he's running the PNR, or the Loop (where he hands off to Leonard/Green/Manu, then runs off 3 screens to the other side of the court). Which will either get him a short floater, or if it's defended well, right into another PNR. Know why the PNR is so effective? When you have 2 players that
know how to run it (like Parker/Duncan...hell, even Splitter is good with it to an extent) it puts so much pressure on the defense. Either you get a hard hedge, resulting in either a switch or double (and at this point, Parker can find his man (Duncan/Splitter) off the double)...and now the defense is rotating which leads to what? An open shooter

Should the switch happen, well, time for Parker to
So what are you gonna do? You're gonna glue the other 4 guys to their man (which is practically impossible in the PNR game) and let Chalmers/Cole/even Lebron try and check Parker? Dude would set an NBA Finals record for points in a game if you did that. Noone on Miami can stay in front of him. Of course that won't happen, even if they wanted it to, cause Miami's D is too un-disciplined. And really, who in the hell would sit and watch as Parker repeatedly attacked an unguarded rim?
As far as Duncan? The Spurs don't really run their offense thru him at all anymore, yet the only guy on Miami that can guard him is Haslem. I still don't understand why they don't let him work on Bosh more, cause Bosh is just over-matched by Duncan, 37 or not. I wish they would just feed Timmy and let him work for a game...I bet he could have one of them throwback 35-15 games. But alas, that's not the San Antonio game anymore, and really, how can you argue with their results?
As far as letting them shoot jumpers?

I knew I remarked on this during Game 1, so let me post a tweet here:

NastraFloorGeneral huh? Again, as you can see by the date, that was during Game 1. Then,
this happened. So yeah, go ahead and "let" them shoot jumpers. See how that works out for you.