I doubt I watch any more of this, on a significant level. Cliched, predictable, 70's costume drama, the whole thing comes off as sleazy, in more ways than obviously intended. I am not watching James Franco play two people, that's ridiculous. Maggie Gyllenal's performance is very good, but she's a great actress, and really all the acting is good. Obviously, it's an HBO show, so the production value is apparent, but it all seems like a recreation of the 70's, and a typical glorified one, rather than a real attempt to show Times Square during that time.
Hooker with ambition and talent, makes it out of the streets
James Franco, the tough, talented, loser, with ambition and talent (makes it out of the streets)
The sexually confident, daring gorgeous college student
The smooth talking, well dressed, flashy black pimps who are at heart ruthless, vicious men
The young hooker who learns the game and gets colder from it
The unfaithful wife to one of Frano's characters
The show's about porn, but it just comes off as porn to me. I'm tired of these kinds of shows from HBO. Something like Insecure is so much more interesting, new, and sharp.
Not to mention, the actual drama of producer Marc Henry Johnson's own involvement in an overdose death, a doctor who overdosed in his company, with her panties in her purse. He was sentenced to 15 months in federal prison.