Let me clarify something before you continue...
Women's desire to have a family is not "desperation". Is embedded in our biological coding to have children to nurture etc. The reason that most women press the gas pedal late 20s-early 30s is because by that time, most women have accomplished academic, career, and financial stability as well as knowing the type of husband/father they would like to build a family with. Also, our bodies have been telling us to procreate since the time we get our first period; although, we don't consciously know that is what is happening. So, when you are finally ready to make that next step in your life and time is "running out"...this is what you guys call "desperation" and we call it the next phase of being a woman. I met an associate and she is my age; she told me that she has no desired to have children. That was the first time, a woman has ever told me that and I looked at her like she had a third eye.
like, how do you do that?
Anyways, I was married at 22 years old and in my case it did not work out because both of us were acting like early 22 year old do. Then, I met someone else and we got engage lasted almost five years...and that did not work out, I was in my late 20s when that relationship ended. Now that I am 32, the type of man that I need to procreate with is a totally different man than those two previous relationships. I also feel more in control of my emotions, I have accomplished my academics, career wise, I am not there but I don't think I'll ever be there because I am always looking for ways to progress; however, that may change if I have a family. Overall, my priorities have simply
evolved and accomplishing those desires those not mean that anybody will do, because I know that in the long-term is not going to work.
ain't nobody desperate