The DCCU takeover is just a year away.

Sep 12, 2013
Anyone wanting the return of the Donner era is stuck in the past. Leave the past in the past. Nobody wants that anymore.
Lemme ask you an honest question. If I said I wanted a superman movie that:

A) was fun to watch
B) was an inspiring story that made you feel hopeful by the end
C) featured a superman that was strong in personality and could carry the movie and could get the audience to like him.

do I sound too much like a donner stan?

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Nah I completely disagree. What DC is doing is definitely harder to do but when they hit it'll be a grand slam. Going the marvel route would be a cop out money grab

Getting the best out of your universe shouldnt be considered a money grab,is it possible DC and DC fans are opposed to it just because they dont want people to be able to say DC is "biting" Marvel?as if superman aint been there done that before they did it....I think we all agree Superman at his best works better in the tone Marvel is using,as well as characters like aquaman,green lantern,wonder woman...i just dont see serious tone when i see these names.

If they can pull it off it definitly will be impressive because its more difficult like you said....the chances also are high you water your characters and fukk them up in order to keep up with the serious tone....we'll see though,ill be impressed if they pull it off,its alot of risk inolved..


May 11, 2012
East ATL
Getting the best out of your universe shouldnt be considered a money grab,is it possible DC and DC fans are opposed to it just because they dont want people to be able to say DC is "biting" Marvel?as if superman aint been there done that before they did it....I think we all agree Superman at his best works better in the tone Marvel is using,as well as characters like aquaman,green lantern,wonder woman...i just dont see serious tone when i see these names.

If they can pull it off it definitly will be impressive because its more difficult like you said....the chances also are high you water your characters and fukk them up in order to keep up with the serious tone....we'll see though,ill be impressed if they pull it off,its alot of risk inolved..

If you watch JL and JLU shows you'll see that the only person who brings humor is Flash in JL and Shazam in JLU. Everybody else looks like this for the most part


WW even said in a episode that she was gonna rip a villains head off

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
I mean breh.... Can u really imagine Suicide Squad in the tone of the marvel films?? :francis:

Im not familiar with them,i only read up on it after i heard the movie was coming out:manny:....but they are villians from what i remember reading,not sure why they cant be fukked up individuals and do fukked up things and still be able to fit in a world with a marvel tone....if they can do it with the animated movies and tv shows I'm not sure why it cant be done with the movies:patrice:?...suicide squad should be made to fit whatever tone is best for Justice League overall...good writing im sure can do that..

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
If you watch JL and JLU shows you'll see that the only person who brings humor is Flash in JL and Shazam in JLU. Everybody else looks like this for the most part


WW even said in a episode that she was gonna rip a villains head off

You feel like the cartoonsare serious in tone though? they are closer to marvel tone then they are Nolan tone wouldnt you say?the humor isnt exactly through the roof for me....GOTG was probaly the goofiest of all of the movies so far....whos really comedic aside from Tony Stark?it just happens to be alot of Tony Stark.

Winter Soldier is completley different in tone but he still manages to fit in with the Avengers doesnt he? Thor wasnt exactly on the comedy side of things from what i remember about it,and neither was the Hulk movie.
May 1, 2012
Lemme ask you an honest question. If I said I wanted a superman movie that:

A) was fun to watch
B) was an inspiring story that made you feel hopeful by the end
C) featured a superman that was strong in personality and could carry the movie and could get the audience to like him.

do I sound too much like a donner stan?

"fun to watch" is an opinion and could get the audience to like him? Well, 77% of the RT audience something like 400,000 users liked Man of Steel. That was much more than those who liked Superman Returns. Now, what do we take from that? We could take it with a grain of salt and I'm fine with that as long as you realize that there are a lot of people out there who enjoy this Superman.

I'm not going to get into who is a Donner stan. They do exist. Singer gave them Donner. Did it suck? Well, I have to be honest with you.. I wasn't a big fan of the Donner movies and I didn't enjoy Superman Returns either. I did enjoy Man of Steel because it's close to what I want this Superman to be.

Let's talk about "tone" for a second. I finished the first season of Daredevil the week it came out and it is a great show. I loved it. Now, if they had gone the Avengers route like Whedon and had Matt cracking jokes like Tony Stark, I would have hated it. But Daredevil is a darker character. The comics have always been pretty grim. Most of the street level shyt is. So I'm happy they kept the darker tone.

Batman is always going to be dark. A Batman v. Superman film is going to be pretty dark too because they are borrowing elements from The Dark Knight Returns. Why anyone would want those movies to be camp is beyond me. They would be dreadful and definitely not true to the character or the source material. But for those who say DC can only do dark.. Flash is not a very dark series.. it's much more in line with what we see a lot of in the MCU.. it's a perfectly fine show. Flash does have some dark elements from time to time but he's also a lot of "fun". I disagree that DC will not dabble in what you call "fun"... They will but now is not the time.
Sep 12, 2013
I'm not going to get into who is a Donner stan. They do exist. Singer gave them Donner. Did it suck? Well, I have to be honest with you.. I wasn't a big fan of the Donner movies and I didn't enjoy Superman Returns either. I did enjoy Man of Steel because it's close to what I want this Superman to be.

no he didn't. donner delivered a fun, entertaining, and inspiring story that remains a classic to this day and christopher reeve was forever immortalized as the man that brought superman to life on the big screen. singer might have set his movie in the same continuity and aped the john williams theme but he didn't give us donner, he gave us singer. a weird, creepy, boring movie that nobody liked.

raimi's spiderman movies were more donner than singer's superman. so was cap 2.


Sick of you nigg@s
May 2, 2012
Hampton VA Pull up
the bedrock of Warner Bros.' DC Comics films

By Susana Polo2 hours ago

The Hollywood Reporter may rely heavily on unnamed sources, but they're all saying the same thing: Warner Bros.' attempts to spin DC Comics into cinematic universe gold are just producing a lot of straw.

And while most of its upcoming films are still in script stages, even those early processes are creating cause for alarm. The WB is essentially farming its screenwriting: hiring writers not to collaborate but to each craft a competing script when only one will eventually be chosen. It's a process one source described as "throwing shyt agains the wall to see what stuck."

Five writers for Wonder Woman, another handful for Aquaman. A writer on the latter submitted a script only to be told that the previously laid out "rules" of the setting had changed, making their take no longer usable. Before five screenwriters started pitching for Wonder Woman, Warner Bros. may have contacted a screenwriter who turned them down completely, already wary of how many cooks were in the kitchen.

From its inception, Warner Bros. spokespersons have stressed that their take on a superhero universe will improve on Marvel's winning formula. They've also stressed that they're going to do things entirely differently, by making the team movie before the solo films, for example. A Warner Bros. insider told The Hollywood Reporter that the company is going for a "filmmaker-driven" strategy in its productions, to contrast with Kevin Feige's iron hand on the overall arc of the Marvel Cinematic Universe over at Disney. But lack of direction seems to be one of the primary struggles of the nascent franchise. "They just haven't been thorough about their whole world and how each character fits and how to get the most out of each writer's time by giving them direction," says one of THR's sources. "Obviously, Marvel's very good at that."

For a "filmmaker-driven" focus it certainly seems to be annoying many filmmakers, from the writers and agents who represent them, to director Michelle MacLaren, recently removed from the production of Wonder Woman for "creative differences." Complicating things is that no one seems to be certain who, exactly, is in charge of crafting the overall rules of the movie version of the DC Universe.

the first footage from Batman v Superman, Snyder isn't looking like the greatest horse for Warner Bros. to hitch their setting to.

According to The Hollywood Reporter the folks in charge of crafting the direction of Warner Bros. DC Universe include the Snyders, "a team of Warners executives," producer Charles Roven, DC Entertainment's president Diane Nelson and Green Lantern scribe Geoff Johns. That's a mere two or three folks who came up in the industry from the creative side rather than the business one.

It takes a team to make a Justice League, but perhaps not a Justice League franchise. And it's hard to call a thing "filmmaker-driven" when there are almost no actual filmmakers in charge of it.


Jun 26, 2012
DC is already pretty much dominating the television medium and expanding further this fall, but 2016 Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad is going to snatch the throne from Marvel. Mark my words on that. The number ONE reason is there's a start of a Marvel backlash starting to brew, maybe due to over-saturation or casual and die-hards alike are beginning to see the redundancy of their films. Last year appears to be MCU's plateau that they peaked. Now with the grumblings so far over Age of Ultron by both negative AND positive reviews by those whom so far seen it from early screenings or international views and the overwhelming disinterest over the upcoming Ant-Man film, plus the growing hype between both DoJ and Suicide Squad, DC can very realistically going to take over as the dominant comic book film franchise. The ONLY thing that stands in its way as of right now is Civil War, but my fear with that, despite the Russo brothers may have directed the best Marvel movie, is if Dawn of Justice lives up the hype that it would swallow up a so-called "Ironman v. Captain America" film, especially when we basically already SEEN all of them fight each other.

The best way I can compare this metaphorically is Marvel's No Limit and DC is Cash Money (Hot Boyz era). Marvel is like No Limit that came through and crushed buildings and keep having new release after new release after release after release back to back to back to back with each "event" album being the Master P LP. Whereas Cash Money is something that been around longer but never bubbled until AFTER No Limit's dominating success, then came through and took over the second No Limit started to become played out.

I'm more confident now than I was when I originally made this post almost a year ago.....


Jun 6, 2012
New York
I'm more confident now than I was when I originally made this post almost a year ago.....
When you posted that Ant-man had not dropped. It did well nowhere near the disinterest you stated here. Does that change your state of Marvel stance?
What do you think the effect of following Deadpool will have on Bats v Supes? A rather serious comic movie trailing one that was decently reviewed and completely the opposite as far as tone? :jbhmm:


Jun 26, 2012
When you posted that Ant-man had not dropped. It did well nowhere near the disinterest you stated here. Does that change your state of Marvel stance?
What do you think the effect of following Deadpool will have on Bats v Supes? A rather serious comic movie trailing one that was decently reviewed and completely the opposite as far as tone? :jbhmm:

Didn't change me stance at all. I felt that 2016 was going to be DC's year and from how things are looking so far it is more than likely will be. Granted you have the Daredevil season 2 to look forward, Civil War and Dr. Strange... but the hype by most is for Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad, and not only that... they are truly crushing the televised medium right now with Arrow, Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, Gotham, Lucifer, iZombie.... They been dominating the animated universe... There's a shift that's already happening.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
Didn't change me stance at all. I felt that 2016 was going to be DC's year and from how things are looking so far it is more than likely will be. Granted you have the Daredevil season 2 to look forward, Civil War and Dr. Strange... but the hype by most is for Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad, and not only that... they are truly crushing the televised medium right now with Arrow, Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, Gotham, Lucifer, iZombie.... They been dominating the animated universe... There's a shift that's already happening.
Yeah just talking about the movies. I think Deadpool having good reviews and being all super jokey at the genre's expense is going to hurt all the comic movies coming after it especially the one directly after it, but we shall see.