The daughters of the Slave Trade

Dec 13, 2019
No emotions here but I understand why you need to project that.

Lol, I have noticed this here many times, and also in other platforms. By now, is not just coincidence. Always the same pattern...Objectivity and complexity of thought when analyzing non-black history but nothing more than emotionalism and simplification when analyzing black history...

OP didn't say mixed people or better known as "free people of color" were the majority but that they were simply an important buffer class in the dynamic.

In which states? Let's decompress history, stop grouping all into one, and get into specificity. Many states existed that didn't participate in any slave trade. Many existed that participated in multiple slave trade routes.

Name their(mixed people) specific influences in the largest or wealthiest states...For example, which mixed people played a major role in Bonoman-Denkyira-Ashanti? B-D-Ashanti were the longest ruling dynasties in what is now modern-central and southern Ghana. Lasting for around 1000 years and controlling most of the land. They were also into the slave trade business, although it wasn't a main form of income to them. So, which mixed race people played a major role in Bonoman-Denkyira-Ashanti?

Not that I disagree with you that large African states were the biggest actors, but your post has the subtext of "Africans didn't see each other as kinsmen" fallacy that Pan Africans love to use as an excuse not realizing it absolves Europeans even more.

No, my post highlights the reality. And that's why I mentioned the Asian and European mass killings and rapes of each other. And that's why you all are struggling to specifically address my questions as far as them. Why? Because you have a standard for them, where you use more complexity when analyzing their history. But have a lower standard when it comes to analyzing black history, where simplifications and generalizations are now the standard. This is a result of modern western propaganda and dominance of academia.

Kinship is not based on skin color or similar features, is based on similar cultures, values and statehood. You believe in the idea that kinship is based on skin color or similar physical features because you live in an heterogeneous society oriented by race. That has made you believe that all whites have been united and that blacks have never been united, can't unite and won't do that as well. Just cut the bs...And if you want, I can send you black historians and sociologists addressing what I have just mentioned...

Why do you think that Yugoslavia wasn't successful and later led to the Yugoslav wars? Weren't they all just Europeans and kinsmen?

Why do you think Russians and Ukrainians, despite being slavic, sharing a similar language now, have been killing each other for centuries instead of just becoming one? Aren't they kinsmen?

Why do you think Nazi Germans killed 6 million Poles(Polish), same Poles that are Europeans and also have Germanic admixture? Weren't they all just Europeans? Did they see each other as Kinsmen?

I mean, most Jews killed by Nazis looked just like other Germans...In fact, many Jews served as soldiers for Nazi Germani...Did they see each other as Kinsmen?

Your mind struggles to understand and cannot comprehend that some black states were friends to each other and protected each other, while others were enemies to each other. Your mind struggles to understand that some black states cared more about their own citizens than non-citizens who didn't have the same languages and values as them. Because in your mind, race is the only determinant factor in social relationships.

You were programmed to sees "wars" when analyzing ethnic conflicts between non-black ethnic groups. Because in western media, their ethnic conflicts were and are still depicted as heroic moments, of "people" warring for a greater good. "The fascists, the socialists, the pacifists hated each other. These different ideologies led to massacres all over". Completely bamboozled to the fact that everyone in the narrative was just white and applying the same standards to everyone, they shouldn't, at all, mass kill each other because they were all Europeans and kinsmen...

You were programmed to see "tribalism" when analyzing conflicts between black ethnic groups. Because in western media, conflicts between blacks are depicted as events that shouldn't even happen because everybody is just black. Suddenly, the different ideologies are not supposed to be discussed. All that matters is that they are just black, or black looking or African looking.

And on the basis of that, in your mind, they were supposed to be kinsmen and not participate in any slave trade. Why do you only have this standard for black people? It is definitely not because you hold black people to a higher standard...

And no, I am not absolving Africans from their participation in the TAS. It's the opposite, I am telling you that African states that participated in the TAS, were ruled by native people and these were the main actors. If you care more on how Europeans look or not in the narrative, that's on you...

But to your point:

Did you even watch the video? I believe you didn't even bother to watch it lmao. This video doesn't talk about mixed people being a determinant factor. This video discusses 4 events, in 4 different states, out of more than 500s centralized states that existed from 1400s till late 1800s.

It talks about partnerships between African states and European traders. It also talks about how, to Europeans, it was essential to hire and pay African mercenaries to help them invade African states. Because wars between just blacks and whites, wasn't favorable to whites. They kept losing. Plus, most of the events discussed are about Africa in late 19th century, after slave trade wasn't a major factor anymore...

This is what I was trying to say here...Slave trade started in 1400s, and you guys think that a video talking about events that happened in late 1800s(1st event mentioned happened in 1850) supports your points. Events separated by a timeline of 400 years and huge geographical distances. You really don't see anything wrong with this? Black history is one the only ones you can jump and mix timelines, mix geographies and people will eat it up without challenging the timeline and information...
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papa pimp

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
In which states? Let's decompress history, stop grouping all into one, and get into specificity. Many states existed that didn't participate in any slave trade. Many existed that participated in multiple slave trade routes.

Who said all states in Africa participated in slavery? Stop with the silly ass straw mans. Every European nation didn't participate in TAS so miss me with these silly ass deflections.
Name their(mixed people) specific influences in the largest or wealthiest states...

Now you're pretending the OP doesn't exist with sources.

No, my post highlights the reality. And that's why I mentioned the Asian and European mass killings and rapes of each other. And that's why you all are struggling to specifically address my questions as far as them. Why? Because you have a standard for them, where you use more complexity when analyzing their history. But have a lower standard when it comes to analyzing black history, where simplifications and generalizations are now the standard. This is a result of modern western propaganda and dominance of academia.
Are you dumb? Those conflicts in Asia/Europe STILL have anger behind them in 2024 yet you somehow laud those as examples as to why descendants of slaves should have no resentment.

Kinship is not based on skin color or similar features, is based on similar cultures, values and statehood. You believe in the idea that kinship is based on skin color or similar physical features because you live in an heterogeneous society oriented by race. That has made you believe that all whites have been united and that blacks have never been united, can't unite and won't do that as well. Just cut the bs...And if you want, I can send you black historians and sociologists addressing what I have just mentioned...

nikka what

My first post was literally that kinship was not a necessary component to view what happened as morally wrong so no I "don't believe" but you damn sure can't read. :dead::dead:

Why do you think that Yugoslavia wasn't successful and later led to the Yugoslav wars? Weren't they all just Europeans and kinsmen?

Why do you think Russians and Ukrainians, despite being slavic, sharing a similar language now, have been killing each other for centuries instead of just becoming one? Aren't they kinsmen?

Why do you think Nazi Germans killed 6 million Poles(Polish), same Poles that are Europeans and also have Germanic admixture? Weren't they all just Europeans? Did they see each other as Kinsmen?

I mean, most Jews killed by Nazis looked just like other Germans...In fact, many Jews served as soldiers for Nazi Germani...Did they see each other as Kinsmen?
Hilarious continuation of a straw man but none of these examples deal with "is this morally wrong or right" so weak attempt at excuses yet again.

Once again, you idiots don't even realize this train of thought excuses Europeans more than Africans for the TAS.

Did you even watch the video? I believe you didn't even bother to watch it lmao. This video doesn't talk about mixed people being a determinant factor. This video discusses 4 events, in 4 different states, out of more than 500s centralized states that existed from 1400s till late 1800s.

Yeah you're a literal retard...I posted the video to show the DYNAMICs of slavery in West Africa not to do anything with mixed people.
Dec 13, 2019
Who said all states in Africa participated in slavery? Stop with the silly ass straw mans. Every European nation didn't participate in TAS so miss me with these silly ass deflections.

No one said that every state participated. We are talking about specificity on the biggest slave trading states in West and Central Africa. Not pick and pay cases, where you can just pick a group here and there then try to pass them as the norm, when they were far from that. Through specificity, we will analyze these states and see the relevancy of mixed people in these societies. Problem is, people like you always struggle when the subject demands specificity and avoidance of generalizations...

Now you're pretending the OP doesn't exist with sources.

This is a real historian and dedicated to African history only. Everything he posts is decompressed.

You and OP are basically doing what he just described a few months ago...

Just a research here and boom, that's the standard on how things happened :mjlol:

Are you dumb? Those conflicts in Asia/Europe STILL have anger behind them in 2024 yet you somehow laud those as examples as to why descendants of slaves should have no resentment.

You are the one acting dumb and emotional AF. When did I say anything about the resentments of descendants of slaves? When did I tell you how to feel about the slave trade? I simply told you that history should not be approached based on your emotions and agendas. A subject can be touchy to you but it cannot change the rationality/logic of the events. And in history, the standards and lenses you use for group X should also be applied to groups A, Z, C etc.

nikka what

My first post was literally that kinship was not a necessary component to view what happened as morally wrong so no I "don't believe" but you damn sure can't read. :dead::dead:

Hilarious continuation of a straw man but none of these examples deal with "is this morally wrong or right" so weak attempt at excuses yet again.

You simply can't answer my questions so you are deflecting and repeating yourself. Do you even know what fallacy means in the context you described? I guess not...

Once again, you idiots don't even realize this train of thought excuses Europeans more than Africans for the TAS.

No, idiots like you, don't realize that your mindset is crafted in a way that you can only think about how things look for Europeans. You can't think of a world without them being in the center.

When real historians talk about the crimes Europeans committed against enslaved Africans in the new world, they are talking about the rapes, the mass killings, the child breeding for slave purposes, then after slavery ended, the land theft, destruction of families, marginalization, mass incarceration, the destruction of wealthy settlements. But you are far from that, you learn history from youtube...

Yes, my train of thought excuses Europeans as far as trade of slaves. They didn't conquer the regions and started selling subjects. They bought slaves from African states that were selling slaves. But what they did after wasn't on Africans, was simply on them. If it was it on Africans, it wouldn't be also observed in how they treated Amerindians, Aboriginal Australians, Asian subjects etc.

Yeah you're a literal retard...I posted the video to show the DYNAMICs of slavery in West Africa not to do anything with mixed people.

Moron, by 1897, one of the events discussed in the video, slave trade was basically abolished already. Plus, states like Benin, discussed in the video, never relied much on slave trade. Benin was one of the states that would enter into the trade, then stay centuries without selling slaves. So, how does the video shows the dynamics of slavery when most events discussed happened after slavery was basically over? Do you even understand how time works?

You are another historically illiterate person and because of that you are just repeating the common mistakes people do when analyzing African history.
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Feb 16, 2017
This is such a predictable and emotional post...You all become extremely emotional when discussing history, even worse if it involves discussing slavery.

Where did I say that TAS wasn't wrong? Specifically point out in my comment where I did that...My comment actually highlights that the biggest actors were Africans from the states that participated in slave trade. Not mixed people, as the main poster is trying to make it look like...

And yes, I have been to Asia. I have posted here about it...

This doesn't address my questions, is just you deflecting from them...Because people do not need to see each other as "brothers and sisters" to see that mass killings and rapes is morally wrong. So, do you apply the same logic to every other group? Do you see the Japanese mass killings as Asians killing their own? Do you see world wars mass killings as Europeans killing their own? Or complexity of thought is only reserved for some and simplification for the rest?

No, they were not. You're historically illiterate if you believe in this bs. At the height of the slave trade, none of the biggest states involved in it was lead by mixed people or biracials. These mixed people in the OP were traders, like other non-mixed traders in their regions. They didn't make politics. They didn't make rules, they followed what was legal in the region. The rulers were native. These rulers decided if they wanted to trade slaves or not. Some kingdoms opted to do it, while others didn't do it.

Africa is one of the places with least recent admixture in the world. Mixed people haven't been a main factor for most of the continent's recent history.

No breh

First of all it wasn't like Kingdoms decided to trade in slaves wholesale because if they did then there would be no doubt where ADOS people were from we'd be from the defeated tribes,

Any ADOS tha t does a DNA will get a mixed jumble of different tribes because as most of the slave narratives that we get from Africans is that they were captured i small batches it wasn't like villages were sacked and the people were carried off.

shyt worked like the crack game in the 80's and 90's where some nikkas set up show and nikkas minded their business That's the thing the only people who didn't get colonized was people who coded up and resisted white folks in totality.

Queen Nzinga fought the whites her brother made deals with them

What happened based on what we know is some c00ns from all tribes and kingdoms snatched Black people in the woods gathering wood or fishing or hunting or whatever And Africans basically minded their business and didn't wipe out the slavers wholesale

The people at the coasts the interpeters and assistants where mainly mixed race confused c00ns.

Swahili P'Bitek

Jan 16, 2018
Any book recommendations?
For a start on that topic check' The history, civil and commercial, of British colonies in the west indies." It was written by a british man in 1807. There other books by portuguese in the 1600s and Emancipated Africans in the 1700s.


Mar 11, 2022
anyone who read european history should be able to see this.

The actual first world war was the crusades *which they lost( That was the first time europeans came on one accord against non whites before that and during that they fought each other which is why they lost in the crusades

After that they completely coded up before they fought non whites.


Feb 16, 2017
I constantly post Horrible Histories clips on here because it's an easy to understand children's show but it explains exactly what happened.

Right before the Crusades there was the Viking age. they invaded europe but so did the saracens, the Maygars, and various other people.

After the Vikings settled down and became christians europeans coded up and went together in a world war against the Saracens.

When they lost that they had some more internal wars then when the age of exploration happened the only wars in europe happened to divide up the non white world

In none of these wars did they make non white people principal allies which they gave the non whites fighting for them anything They just got a few nikka trinkets for fighting in World War I and World War II