lol I'm pretty sure he wasn't expecting a response like that
or maybe he was ()
I've been reading some of the responses in here and it I've come to the conclusion that these people are motherless, miserable sacks a shyt.
lol I'm pretty sure he wasn't expecting a response like that
or maybe he was ()
Saw this posted on another board and it's exactly how I feel about the movie. Not impressed at all.@ building up an epic showdown between Bane and Batman, only to have some average as fukk fist-fight in the middle of the movie. No music, piss-poor choreography, and a rushed back break. Nolan treated an iconic moment like just a random scene. WTF??????
@ full recovery from a broken back in a couple months, ending up stronger than before the injury, while in a fukking cave prison. So....8 years living as a billionaire with the best doctors in the world, and you still have a bum knee. A few weeks with a bum punching you in the back, you're good as new. Paleo diet?
@ a prison full of grown men that can't out-climb or out-jump a little girl. What?
@ having a belt full of gadgets and weapons, but engaging in fisticuffs while nuclear destruction is at stake
@ Bane's corny ass speeches. This guy wasn't crazy enough to be entertaining, and his "cause" wasn't serious enough to entertain. He was just stock dirtbag with a mask.
@ an army of cops walking down the street against tanks and machine guns, and living.
@ the movie being 12 hours long but not half as good as Dark Knight
What really sucks is that the most memorable parts of the movie are stupid. If an action movie has a series of epic scenes, and you focus on the "logical inconsistencies" that don't matter, then that's nitpicking. But when the biggest moments of a movie ARE the parts that were handled poorly or don't make any fukking sense, what are you really left with? I can't remember anything about this movie aside from Catwoman's suit.
Bale, Gordon, Catwoman, Robin, etc. all gave solid performances. I enjoyed the acting, though the screenplay/action did nothing for me. Obviously, Avengers is significantly better than this, but I don't think it's even fair to compare the two. They're not only two different universes, but different types of directing. I'm more disappointed in how poorly this measures up to Dark Knight and Inception. The actors brought their A game, but Nolan just seemed to mail it in. It's just a generic Hollywood movie, right up to the sappy ending. It also insults the viewer numerous times, which was the main thing that set Nolan's universe apart from other comic movies. No desire to see this again, but it does make me want to see the first 2.
Just got back from seeing it and a few things...
Saw this posted on another board and it's exactly how I feel about the movie. Not impressed at all.
If that's how you feel then maybe you need someone with you to point out and explain the scenes to you when you watch it again.
I'm suprised batman didn't bring some gadgets to the 2nd fight vs bane after getting the fops put on him the first time.
I finally saw this, and was it me or was batman hardly in this?
Also when batman was around I was laughing in the theatre cuz of the stupid voice despite everyone seeming to know his true identity. Btw, what happened to baine at the end?
i comprehended the storyline, i am just sharing my opinion. its the pacing and the execution, i didint enjoy it. just because i didint enjoy it doesnt mean im telling you guys not to like it. its not a bad movie its just not one i enjoyed.
i didint think i was "motherless" and "needed to die" because i wasnt crazy about the movie.
Can you explain your problems with the pacing? I read that complaint before, but I didn't have any problems with it.