Bryan has been getting injuries at the same rate as edge orton and various others yet they get called frail etc. But all have had major runs before and after major injuries while bryan has been hurt this year and will hopefully for his sake take a good year off and finally try to get back to a decent health level.
I can't speak on Edge detractors since I missed most of his run. Who besides @R=G called Orton frail? We joke about his heat but I'd say most of us respect him. These guys ALL need some time off.
He supposedly carried guys whose resumes already were filled with classic matches to the best matches of their career and people make it seem like he's the greatest of all time when he isn't even top 20
Wyatt hasn't had a great singles match other than the one with DB. DB's resume speaks for itself, he IS top 20 status. Have you see his non-WWE work? But I will say that guys like Angle, Benoit, Y2J, and Punk have had more classics in the E.
That he is an amazing draw but other then ok ratings he really didn't do anything to usher in some next generation of the business like yall keep acting like he did with his yes no pops and finger pointing
Wrestling in general isn't big like that these days, I'd say Punk brought more attention to the sport than DB did. That said, why do you or others still care about ratings or drawing power? As long as it's entertaining, that's all that should matter.
Yall know damn well if anyone else was the face of the wwe and champion and been given one of the strongest pushes ever while the company lost 750 million yall would shyt on them endlessly
He's not the reason that happened though. This was around the same time that the Network just dropped and flopped. But you're half-right, if this happened while Batista, Cena, or Reigns were champ, we wouldn't hear the end of it.
Yall claim he overcame every bullshyt storyline he had and what not but can't admit that his very last feud we saw was one of the worst feuds ever and refuse to put any blame for anything bad that can and has happened on him and rather go with the narrative that "it's everybody's fault be bryan"
You wanna see a wrestler's momentum come to a sudden halt? Stick him with KANE. Kane and Big Show are GUARANTEED heat suckers. There's no excuse for either one of them to be involved in wrestling in 2014. Definitely not DB's fault. Edit: @mrken12 said exactly what I said
You guys stay praising his merchandise sales and make a wish visits but shytted on cena for being the most request make a wish celebrity ever. U hate kids who buy endless cena merch or rey merch or even she am us merch and get mad at the wwe for marketing these baby faces towards kids but more than likely you fools contemplated buying one of those Billy goats with the team he'll no shirts on them.
Nobody shat on Cena for his Make A Wish appearances If anything that's the only thing he gets props for. Nobody gets mad at any wrestler for pushing merch And nobody here wanted DB's shytty ass shirts he's only had 2 that were dope, and 1 of them was prior to him being mega over.
Yall threw hall of famer under the bus just to prop up d bry. Orton, batista, kane, triple h, orton, and even wanted bryan to be the guy to not only make mark henry tap out a t mania after he rejuvenated his career with the hall of pain gimmick but also still think he should be the guy to beat brock lesnar even though bryan got the ball and ultimate mania push last year and pretty much dropped the ball and are botching at the idea of anyone new getting a shot at a main event push
Orton/Tista would've been a bullshyt WM ME and you know it. And going back to EC 2013, I would've rather Orton or Henry win it over DB. But they chose Swagger
Who do you honestly should beat Lesnar for the title? DB's comeback story and the fact that he didn't lose it would make for a great storyline.