The original rules said put spoilers in tags. That made for a shytty thread tho, imo.
No spoilers in the OP should be sufficient.
Plus if people use common sense about major spoilers (like not saying Darth Vader is Luke's father in the second post) then we should be cool.
lol just kiddin breh but i think the main & best rule would be like TEK said don't read the REVIEW thread until you've seen the movie. it makes sense that this thread is about reviews and reviews talk about the movie. no major spoilers but things like "the ending is " isn't really a spoiler
Those were the rules from jump. Don't read the thread until you've seen the flick
Anna Kendrick had me looking at her as Wifey-material in this movie.
Anna Kendrick had me looking at her as Wifey-material in this movie.
Breh I was ready to She isn't dating Edgar wright anymore either
@Keyser Soze @2 Up 2 Down @TarPitWu @Master Teacher @Conz @Anbessa725 @nikkahs B. Wildin @storyteller @ghostwriterx @Yoda @Kunty McPhuck@pete clemenza @KOTK @Captain_Crunch @TdashDUB @Ghost Utmost @tonyclifton @Wise @True Blue Moon @yoyoyo1 @Rekless Youf @Patrick Kane@YouMadd? @Mr Hate Coffee @NZA @Tuaminator @dangerranger @Primetime @@Manny ManhaTTan @LongJohn @Ebonic Plague @Bruce LeRoy @Ayo@MF_BREW @Spin @Sunalmighty @ @choc_cardigan @StupidQuestion @Hammer @BarNone @IronFist @GoldenGlove @ @2Quik4UHoes @LostOne@TheGodling @duckbutta @The_Unchosen_One @Batz @Tony_Bromo @trick @StillNotSoft @theoretic @Wiirdo @sun raw @HankMoodyCSC @CapitalOne@bboystyle @dvdjamm @choc_cardigan @Arcavian @PurePlaya @DosCadenaz @T-K-G @Silkk
Ive never seen this movie before so I couldnt tell you if it's good or not but hopefully some of u havent seen it either and we can review it and shoot the shyt about it. But the trailer looks sick, i mean the same writers as training bad can it be?
@cook and @hexagram23 sticky this please
my favorite line for some reason
and its kinda stupid like something jeezy would say
"why do you they call you Big Evil?" "cuz my evil's big"
I know I'm probably hella late but how does this movie club work?