The "Choosing a Bear vs a Man" videos opens up a can of worms about Modern Women


In Broad Daylight
May 1, 2012
My brother's keeper
Murdered, yes. Assaulted, no. There are an estimated 5-10 million acts of domestic violence each year in addition to 300,000+ sexual assaults. And in 99% of relationships, the woman feels at a distinct disadvantage when assaulted by a man, as opposed to a man vs. man interaction which is more likely to be even.

But to your other point, yeah, I think you're more likely to be attacked by another man in the woods than be attacked by a bear. The difference is that most of us feel like we can hold our own against another man more than we trust ourselves to hold our own against a bear, whereas most women expect to be overpowered either way.
The problem is that the average man is being reduced in humanity to the point that the expectation of attack is on par with a damn apex predator. That cannot be allowed to stand as a reasonable premise

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The problem is that the average man is being reduced in humanity to the point that the expectation of attack is on par with a damn apex predator. That cannot be allowed to stand as a reasonable premise

News flash - telling women they should just "think different" is not going to do anything. Women don't feel this way about men just because someone told them, it comes from their own lived experience. An experience that many men still aren't willing to come to terms with.

Just look at this board. How many times on The Coli have you seen men:

1. Claim that all/most women are idiotic, immoral, unable to control themselves, or other blanket negative characteristics.

2. Outright dismiss sexual assault victims or suggest they did something to deserve it.

3. Try to minimize sexual assault with caveats, "It's not sexual assault if she was scared but didn't fight back" or "It's not sexual assault if they were already dating", etc.

4. Immediate excuse reports of domestic violence and ask what the woman must have done to trigger him?

5. Argue that we need to return to a society where only men have authority, where women are fully obedient, etc.

The average woman, if her ONLY experience of men was reading what they post on The Coli, would come to the conclusion that there are a large # of men who either hate women or who don't have proper boundaries around nonconsensual sex, and thus worry that she needs to be wary around them.


Jan 4, 2017
Y'all have to understand...
What women say...the truth...and what they actually do will all be different.

I want y'all to think about something.

Do women act like they are afraid of men?

I'll give you an analogy.

If you went to jail. Which is a world where a lot of men can be way bigger and stronger than you. A place where they intimidated, beat up, extort, and rape other men.
Basically a dangerous place for the average man.
Would you hang around the most aggressive dudes in jail?
Would you argue or disrespect them?
Would you try to fight them?
Would you take drugs and be under the influence, which makes you less aware of your surroundings?
Would you wear skimpy or revealing clothing around them?

The answer would be NO.
Because you'd be too afraid. You wouldn't want to start any issues for yourself.

Also, I was having a debate, so I decided to do some digging.
Women saying they are afraid to reject men because men will kill them and they brought up some news stories.
Because I like to research and I know most people don't. They don't realize that news stories sensationalized and distort stories to fit a narrative.
Usually to scare people, especially women.

So I went digging into a few of these stories.
None of those stories are as simple as a man being rejected and deciding to kill over it.
But thats what's being perpetuated.
Along with other delusions... Which makes women believe they are safer around a bear than a random man.


Dec 29, 2016
News flash - telling women they should just "think different" is not going to do anything. Women don't feel this way about men just because someone told them, it comes from their own lived experience. An experience that many men still aren't willing to come to terms with.

Just look at this board. How many times on The Coli have you seen men:

1. Claim that all/most women are idiotic, immoral, unable to control themselves, or other blanket negative characteristics.

2. Outright dismiss sexual assault victims or suggest they did something to deserve it.

3. Try to minimize sexual assault with caveats, "It's not sexual assault if she was scared but didn't fight back" or "It's not sexual assault if they were already dating", etc.

4. Immediate excuse reports of domestic violence and ask what the woman must have done to trigger him?

5. Argue that we need to return to a society where only men have authority, where women are fully obedient, etc.

The average woman, if her ONLY experience of men was reading what they post on The Coli, would come to the conclusion that there are a large # of men who either hate women or who don't have proper boundaries around nonconsensual sex, and thus worry that she needs to be wary around them.
At times, you are a fool.


Dec 29, 2016
Point out the lie. :heh:
You and I know this forum has people who are rough around the edges and can't articulate their point, so you can pick up posts and ignore the underlying truth e.g. this exchange.

Majority of our women got multiple kids by different men and on average women commit more DV on men vs vice versa. So clearly a lot of women aren't afraid of men like they claim :yeshrug:

I'm sure you expect people to take you seriously as a logical person when you come with arguments like that. :mjlol:
You scoff at the misogynistic tone, rather than acknowledge what people's behaviour says about how they feel. How many people would get drunk in a room filled with bears. How many people would go back to the den of a bear they're not familiar with.

If women were as frightened as men as they're trying to make out that they are, the interactions that are a common place would not exist.

You know this but you have this tendency of being a pompous sack of shyt, adopting certain stances, and dancing around the reality of certain situations, because you feel it puts you on a higher level.


Oct 8, 2014
.What are you basing that claim on? Why do you think men are assaulted more by "strangers"?

"Men were most likely to have experienced physical violence by a male stranger."
2. Most male-male assaults are people that have beef with each other too.

So men are more likely to be assaulted/murdered by strangers AND people they know.

Women are only more likely to be victims of domestic violence. And even that statement is under scrutiny because male domestic violence victims are substantially less likely to report it due to cultural stigma. So both the domestic violence rate AND overall male victimhood rate is VASTLY underreported compared to underreported women victimization.

Even further, if we stick to
the very definition of "assault" itself, theres a case that domestic violence is higher against men than against women... women are just more likely to show physical symptoms of assault.

I'm looking up data for my argument before i post in this thread. I hope you are doing the same.
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
You and I know this forum has people who are rough around the edges and can't articulate their point, so you can pick up posts and ignore the underlying truth e.g. this exchange.

As if it's just "some people".

What gets more daps on here - demeaning posts about women in general, or posts that praise women in general?

If you say something sexist about all women, even severely, will moderators flag your post?

You scoff at the misogynistic tone, rather than acknowledge what people's behaviour says about how they feel. How many people would get drunk in a room filled with bears. How many people would go back to the den of a bear they're not familiar with.

The scenario had nothing to do with being in a room full of bears or in a bear's den, it was about being in the woods where 99.9999% of bears mind there own business.

And yeah, I'd argue that most women feel safer in a room full of guys than alone with one strange guy, because in a room full of guys the random solo guy is less likely to try something.

If women were as frightened as men as they're trying to make out that they are, the interactions that are a common place would not exist.

If you had the slightest awareness of what they actually feared, you wouldn't have used such off-base analogies.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
You know this but you have this tendency of being a pompous sack of shyt, adopting certain stances, and dancing around the reality of certain situations, because you feel it puts you on a higher level.

Understanding women = "pompous sack of shyt".

I had to search your SN to find out where this random hate comes from. It turns out almost our entire interaction history is just repeats of this thread. Nearly every time you quote me or @ me, it's because you were upset that I took the side of a woman. This is what I posted the first time you made me look up your name with these random shots:

You won't fukk off because you're a fragile, bytch made little simp whose sense of worth is tied to being "one of the goods ones".

I don't even know who you are but you seem obsessed with me. Just checked my history and it looks like this is repeat behavior for you - when I've called out certain TLR threads for hating on women, you immediately rush in to defend the noble women-haters, even though you're never the one I was talking to. Why is that? What about shytting on women in TLR is so important to you that who have to come in as the white knight for MGTOW posters every time?

That was from the Meg the Stallion thread where you argued incessantly that she had never been shot. Damn near EVERY one of our interactions is you getting upset when I fail to attack a woman with as much vigor as you have for it.


Dec 29, 2016
Understanding women = "pompous sack of shyt".

I had to search your SN to find out where this random hate comes from. It turns out almost our entire interaction history is just repeats of this thread. Nearly every time you quote me or @ me, it's because you were upset that I took the side of a woman. This is what I posted the first time you made me look up your name with these random shots:

That was from the Meg the Stallion thread where you argued incessantly that she had never been shot. Damn near EVERY one of our interactions is you getting upset when I fail to attack a woman with as much vigor as you have for it.
The Meg situation is one where I will hold my hand up in the air and say "I got it wrong". Do you know why? Because unlike you, I'm capable of showing humility.

Now why don't you address my point instead of tap dancing around it and looking for easy wins.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

First off, that's an Australian site, giving Australian statistics.

Second, I'm not sure if you're reading that quote correctly. This is what it said:

"Men were most likely to have experienced physical violence by a male stranger. Over a quarter of men (26% or 2.4 million) had experienced physical violence by a male stranger, compared to 2.3% (205,500) who experienced physical violence by a female stranger."

That seems to say that men were more likely to be assaulted by a male stranger than by a female stranger. It doesn't appear to give the #'s for how many women experience violence from a stranger.

And, as I pointed out before, being assaulted by a strange man is a different feel for most men than it is for most women, because we are more equally matched and don't have to worry about being overpowered and/or sexually assaulted as often.

Even further, if we stick to
the very definition of "assault" itself, theres a case that domestic violence is higher against men than against women... women are just more likely to show physical symptoms of assault.

Your own link tells a different story:

"Women were nearly three times more likely to have experienced partner violence than men, with approximately one in six women (17% or 1.6 million) and one in sixteen men (6.1% or 547,600) having experienced partner violence since the age of 15."

"One in five women (18% or 1.7 million) and one in twenty men (4.7% or 428,800) experienced sexual violence."

"According to the ABS Recorded Crime Study, the majority (93%) of offenders whose principle offence was sexual assault were male."

You can't suggest that the #'s in your link are authoritative and then question them when they dispute your narrative. Many of those numbers were from anonymous surveys, not just crime reports, so you can't blame lack of physical symptoms or underreporting alone.


All Star
Aug 7, 2019
I was thinking it can't be true that women don't know how dangerous bears can be, then I remembered that female rapper that thought foxes were mythical creatures like unicorns.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The Meg situation is one where I will hold my hand up in the air and say "I got it wrong". Do you know why? Because unlike you, I'm capable of showing humility.


In that very thread, when you finally "admitted" that you got it wrong, you reeled off a long list of excuses and basically blamed Meg for tricking you.

Instead of realizing that you have a long history of getting emotional in threads you perceive as "gender wars" and reflexively defending men who attack women.

Now why don't you address my point instead of tap dancing around it and looking for easy wins.

I addressed your entire response point-by-point already, including the name-calling that you can't help throwing into every one of our interactions.


Oct 8, 2014
First off, that's an Australian site, giving Australian statistics.

Second, I'm not sure if you're reading that quote correctly. This is what it said:

"Men were most likely to have experienced physical violence by a male stranger. Over a quarter of men (26% or 2.4 million) had experienced physical violence by a male stranger, compared to 2.3% (205,500) who experienced physical violence by a female stranger."

That seems to say that men were more likely to be assaulted by a male stranger than by a female stranger. It doesn't appear to give the #'s for how many women experience violence from a stranger.

And, as I pointed out before, being assaulted by a strange man is a different feel for most men than it is for most women, because we are more equally matched and don't have to worry about being overpowered and/or sexually assaulted as often.

Your own link tells a different story:

"Women were nearly three times more likely to have experienced partner violence than men, with approximately one in six women (17% or 1.6 million) and one in sixteen men (6.1% or 547,600) having experienced partner violence since the age of 15."

"One in five women (18% or 1.7 million) and one in twenty men (4.7% or 428,800) experienced sexual violence."

"According to the ABS Recorded Crime Study, the majority (93%) of offenders whose principle offence was sexual assault were male."

You can't suggest that the #'s in your link are authoritative and then question them when they dispute your narrative. Many of those numbers were from anonymous surveys, not just crime reports, so you can't blame lack of physical symptoms or underreporting alone.
1. Apologies for the au study. I'll link to a justice department report.

Most violent crimes by strangers (70 percent) were committed against males,

2. The "case" for male victimhood in domestic violence was not related to the linked study. It is an academic discussion that is pretty well known, I thought you had already come across it. Didn't expect you to mistake a study about REPORTED victimization with a statement about UNREPORTED victimization

My main points still stand.

Just sticking to statistics about reported violence...

Men are more likely to be a victim of male acquaintances/strangers

So men should choose the bear too right?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I was thinking it can't be true that women don't know how dangerous bears can be,

Do you know how dangerous bears are?

There have been 11 people killed by black bears in America in the last 20 years. Not even once every-other year. Grizzly bears are worse, but that only happens in Alaska/Montana - most Americans will never be within 100 miles of a grizzly bear.

then I remembered that female rapper that thought foxes were mythical creatures like unicorns.

Because on The Coli, one ignorant woman immediately typifies all women, amiright?

You're saying this the same week that dozens of Coli posters were celebrating a male actor who claimed that 1x1=2. But just because he's ignorant and has a few defenders, did that cause a single person in that thread or any other thread to attack the intelligence of all men?