I ain't saying it was perfect... But no way a crowd of looters should be able to travel straight down a busy populated strip and loot every big business there, then RETURN the next day and finish them off. You can't just be mayor when the Covid numbers are dropping during your "stay alive stay inside" campaign...Thanks to the condos and highrises, the city is more densely populated in richer areas and so, distributing resources based on population would've had you sending the majority of police up north. I'm guessing viable need is referencing where is being looted and that is determined after the fact so can't be used as a determinant until it's too late.
Another point is how widespread it was. BeanieMac touched on it in the official Chicago thread:
That is 6 completely unrelated instances on the the same street. How many officers do you send to each individual location to ensure that they don't get overpowered plus they regain control? What about other popular streets? What about other south-side neighborhoods?
This shyt was a lose/lose situation for any mayor in power.