granted I never been to a sex party but that sex party they had on the show just it seemed like a sex party a shea butter chick would imagine in her head. "cis males don't initiate"
,. like where were all the thirsty ass nikkas at. then the one other light skin dude seemed sweet as hell until they revealed his girl was the party promoter.
the amount of foreshadowing on kevs sister keeping that baby was just ridiculous
kev turned into a dikkhead at home, a simp in the streets, and now he went to some random video game basement for a couple hours and is ready to dye his hair immediately
they working overtime to make dude seem lame at this point
how is the mayor still openly conducting street business. after all the recent publicity at that. just strolling up to trap houses in broad daylight with a security detail
I gotta address the elephant in the room. why does jake or hardly anyone else outside of jason weaver ever mention the fact that jake brother wifed a trans?
jake didn't even know that brother that well, so that's even more reason to have a scene where they get into his lifestyle before jake just moved in like everything was normal
on the other hand trig might not even consider E.T a trans. there was a scene in that gay bar where he almost fought that dude over calling her a man. it's like he ain't come to grips with it yet