So they wanna go the goofy mystery villain route huh? "No, no he not random...we showed him jogging and putting money in the tip jar!". GTFOH with this ol Matlock ass storyline! My idea of Ronnie staging the whole thing to be a hero woulda been much better.
If Douda stops smiling, then leans in and whispers some shyt in your ear...that's yo ass. Just run as soon as he leans in. Cuz that's yo ass. When Douda leans in and whispers some cold shyt in your ear, he means business!
Sooo...him and Kandi supposed to be some power couple? She shows up at random, barking orders, and it appeared as if they had been estranged for a while. But now they have wack sex scenes while she doles out campaign advice. Cuz you know...they cold and ruthless like dat. Damn where the bytch came from or why she back now. And her acting sucks. She makes Lala look like Viola Davis.
Kevin has a female love interest. Papa has a female love interest. Jake has gone from being the toughest of the crew to running from watching beatdowns to the tender arms of his big bro. Jake doesn't like Kevin's girl and has made comments like "I smashed", "How you gonna finger pop her in a museum?", "I'm grown now you better ask about me". All bragodocious comments with little evidence backing them up and come off as "cap". So what's the over/under on how many episodes left til Jake starts exploring his sexuality and gets a boyfriend? If you think Lena gon let ALL these lil boys be straight, you're crazy!
This nikka Ronnie dead ass said "Keisha??" when he heard screaming from far away
