honestly i didnt think holm had enough pop to ko her but those repeated straight lefts in combination with her gasing really lead to to the win. the kick was just icing on the cake
Knocksout aren't about power
it's about where you land them
Holy Holm boxing is all that, Ronda end landed some right hands on her, but they are what I call push punches, she didn't have her legs behind the punch, and she was lunging
she just has terrible technique
and Ronda could see where the punches were coming from because Holm would always switch up her angles
this type of stuff you just can't learn over night, unlike take down defense
you can show someone how to get out of an armbar and practice it to the point where it's muscle memory
some people just ain't fluid on their feet, I like what Mcgregor calls these type of people, stuck in the mud
Mayweather could train ronda from now one, she will always be a stuck in mud plodding methodical easily hittable stationary target
Her hands were down the entire feet, her chin was up,
if Holly was more accurate with her punches she would've knocked her out in that first exchange
she's a better kick boxer than boxer, which is why that head kick is her best weapon