I posted in the network thread but I think this deserves it's own thread. The Bret Hart heel turn in 97 was so well done, it might be the best slow burn angle/turn the WWF has ever done. I've be rewatching 97 WWF and as a kid you don't realize how well done it was, but rewatching it, it is amazing. Bret' turn reminds me of Macho Man going into WM5, a lot of stuff they were saying was true but they still got booed. Even Austin's turn was handled perfectly, the tide was slowly turning him face in 96 but they still booked him as a heel, they didn't force the face turn they just let it happen organically. Now they would of booked him as a baby face right away killing all his momentum. From a booking quality standpoint, 1997 might be the WWF/WWE best year. It doesn't get appreciated like it should because they were still getting killed ratings wise.