Pedro Negro
Reefer & Sneakers
You pick the wrong solar or cannabis company you'll be trading sideways or worse. You jumping into the deep end right away with no swimming lessons in the shallow part of the pool first. Most beginners should start with safe mega cap companies and ETFs while they study the game than as they gain confidence move into more speculative plays and only put a small portion into them at first. A good company to start with is the bank you're opening the account with. Chase over the long term is automatic money it's the best bank in the US by far, pays a dividend and will grow over time.
5 years ago if you bought Chase and just held it not even counting 20 quarters of dividend payments you more than doubled your money.
I'm looking at ETF's for both cannabis and solar, but wanted to also grab a few individual shares of this one stock. I'm trying to keep it as conservative as possible as I start up.