The black man's fear of independence


Staff member
May 14, 2012
Only 4% of black men in America own businesses



Seems like you all want to believe the worst

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006


Seems like you all want to believe the worst
Seems like I need to do more research into this topic and present the board with a more accurate breakdown that displays the truths behind black business in America.

Cause frankly I get tired of the disinfo on this. I see black businesses all the time here in NYC and black entrepeneurs. So obvious we've been in the game.


Staff member
May 14, 2012
Seems like I need to do more research into this topic and present the board with a more accurate breakdown that displays the truths behind black business in America.

Cause frankly I get tired of the disinfo on this. I see black businesses all the time here in NYC and black entrepeneurs. So obvious we've been in the game.

NYC is legit

Among cities, New York City had the most black-owned businesses, with 250,890 (9.7 percent of all the nation’s black-owned businesses), followed by Atlanta. Among the nation’s 50 most populous cities, black or African American-owned firms as a percentage of all firms was highest in Detroit and Memphis, Tenn., in 2012 (77.0 percent and 56.2 percent, respectively).

Among counties, Cook, Ill. (Chicago), had the most black-owned businesses, with 110,155, accounting for 4.3 percent of all the nation’s black-owned businesses.

Even though there are more black women owned businesses, black men's businesses make more

This disparity is also visible between genders. Even though black or African American-owned businesses were predominantly women-owned (58.9 percent), the reverse was true for revenue. Approximately two‑thirds (66.7 percent) of the $150.2 billion in sales generated by black or African American-owned firms were from male-owned businesses ($100.1 billion) in 2012.



Fade Doe
May 3, 2012
no more afraid than 99.999999999999999999999999999% of any other race
but nikkas are stuck believing that all things negative are exclusive to their complexion
jahahahahaa sp fukked up


This was my first thought. Most people think of business ideas all the time but either have no desire or never really get around to it, regardless of race. And then there are people who legitimately don't know where to start and that leads back around to never getting around to it.

I think I'm gonna have to take a drink every time I read 'group economics' on this board. Cracks me up each time.

And I don't know who you guys spend time around but no black people I speak to ever talk down entrepreneurship. Most people's first reaction is to either ask you how you're going to do it, which if you're serious about it that question isn't really insulting, or they'll ask more about it.

And if you don't know, maybe the person you're telling will and they'll discuss it with you or have ideas about it.


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
Unfortunately a lot of black people don't think they are capable of doing things that other races do. Some kind of invisible mental block. Just look at the replies on here now and soon to come, there will be a lot of excuses.

Some of our most bright and capable minds by default will automatically set the heights of their ambition to working for white people en masse for the rest of their lives.

It bewilder me but it is what it is at this point.

I agree but a lot of it comes down to people being told a business is a real option. I am helping a younger breh start a business right now. He is a good kid but he is 16 and I know he is not college material at this time in his life. I asked him what he wanted to do and he said he was applying for Pizza Hut. :mjcry:

I am working to get him a business first selling on Amazon and some other side stuff. He seems excited and is getting into it. But the thing is, he had no context or even thought about it since everyone he knows works in fast food, a hospital, or sits at home collecting checks.


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
Speak on it brehs! Felt this quote deserved its own thread.

How come we're so afraid of doing for self? Creating, employing and spending amongst ourselves.... ?

Depending on ourselves for resources - the way it should be.

How come when these topics are brought up - it causes arguments and insults?

Something is wrong here..... we're the only group who actively doesnt believe in the value of entrepreneurship and job creation.

I get it, it's hard to care about that when you've "already made it" or "got that good job" but the way we talk down and belittle entrepreneurship as if it's something to be ashamed of, is crazy.....

We sit up and talk about whitey all day, meanwhile at any point in time - he could stop writing your checks.

This is the only way to rise in this system.... thru creation and building amongst ourselves.

Cacs know our people are dependent upon them to survive and until that changes, there will be no hashtags or Protests that will make them care about anything until we affect their pockets and start competing and start disrupting their cash flow by building amongst ourselves.

Working for the white man for the rest of eternity is counterproductive if we're really about black progress as a collective.

I agree 100%. Let me throw something controversial out there though. I think our community has the talent and entrepreneurship but a lot is seriously unguided and misdirected.

By the definition of entrepreneurship, the guys slinging dope, running guns, moving stolen cars overseas, or pimping women are entrepreneurs. Even gang leaders know the basics of organizational behavior and management (not saying they are experts). They bring more bad than good to our communities but I have known people who were involved in shady stuff that knew more basic business than most college graduates. They are the kind of entrepreneurship you see when there is a huge, profitable black market and other business ideas are not traditionally supported by the community. Remember, the black market IS a market and some countries in Europe like the UK and Italy have begun counting it for GDP purposes.

A lot of people forget that if you go back 100 years a lot of the wealth in the immigrant communities such as Italians, Jews, Chinese, etc. came from organized crime that was later re-invested into legitimate business. Not all of course, but the shady side of American capitalism is often downplayed for the 'honest hard work' type stories. Even those not involved in crime benefited indirectly from the money spent in the community or deposited and re-loaned by ethnic community banks. Many of the great Chinese billionaires in Southeast Asia got their start with contracts from the Japanese Army during the WWII occupation and then went 'legit' after the Allies came in and Independence.

If only half of these people started legitimate businesses, I think our business owner gap would be mostly closed.

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
I don't get this thread. I see small Black business everywhere. Barbers, beauticians, restaurant owners, realtors, lawyers, accountants, funeral home owners, doctors, dentists, banks, colleges/universities, clothing stores, radio stations, television stations, theaters, musicians/bands, churches etc.

Black customers/clients are not perfect, but Black business owners need to find out why other people (Whites, Chinese and Arabs mostly) that come into Black neighborhoods have more success than Black businesses in Black neighborhoods. This is not a negative observation. It is just an observation.

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
I didn't read the thread in order to avoid my post being tainted by any posts. I think the issue is and always will be trust. We don't think we have each other's best interest at heart. For whatever reason our first impulse with another brother is "what's the con?". You just default to thinking a nikka trying to rip you off.

I can't say if the story true, but I remember hearing years ago how Berry Gordy approached Bob Johnson to form a multimedia conglomerate. Made sense Berry Gordy has the music empire and Bob had the TV. Together they would be a force to be reckoned with. Bob Johnson looked at him like "You think I made it this far to have some nikka fukk it up?:rudy:".

Therein the problem lies. I would even go as far to say that the issue lies predominantly among African Americans, if we look at it from an ethnic group standpoint. Cooperative economics has been embraced among the diaspora but not as much within the African American community. Maybe it's because we are not a community, per se, as much as descendants of sharecroppers who were forced into sub standard living conditions by housing and economic discrimination.

We were forced into difficulty economic conditions and indoctrinated with the lies that we were violent and inferior. How after being fed that for so many years just start building and growing. 350 years of lies don't get fixed immediately with 50 years of so called freedom. Focus on the red pills I say, because this war has a lot of battles and we don't have time to save everyone.

I don't know about that highlighted part. I think that Black people trust each other a lot, but for every legit business that Black people have their is a hustling nikka fukking shyt up for everybody.

My experiences have been that Black people give their personal information to other Black people to buy or refinance houses; prepare their taxes; to open bank accounts on and on and on. There are just a lot of crooks walking around and sometimes it is hard to weed through their asses.

Hawaiian Punch

Apr 30, 2012
The I in Team
I don't know about that highlighted part. I think that Black people trust each other a lot, but for every legit business that Black people have their is a hustling nikka fukking shyt up for everybody.

My experiences have been that Black people give their personal information to other Black people to buy or refinance houses; prepare their taxes; to open bank accounts on and on and on. There are just a lot of crooks walking around and sometimes it is hard to weed through their asses.

But the reality is there are crooks like that of all races. I don't think it's disproportionately higher for black folks, but I do believe we been conditioned to believe that. Just like we been conditioned to believe that it's better to have a Jew lawyer or banker. I personally think social condition creates the environment where there becomes a lack of trust. That doesn't mean we don't work together, but rather it prevents it from happening more.
Jun 6, 2015
I'm ready but nikkas don't want to collaborate, get serious or put dollars behind it

nikkas don't want to learn practical trades or skills to barter

nikkas egos too big to be an apprentice or receive help from another Black Man

nikkas will bust a raw nut up in a broke ghetto bytch quicker than a nerdy chick with her shyt on lock from a good family

nikkas refuse to be open minded get off the plantation and think beyond Amerikkka

nikkas too stubborn to get it
Jun 6, 2015
no we don't not everyone is built for entrepreneurship and telling people that it is the cure all for their problems is irresponsible as fukk

Yall talk shyt about black people working for white people but don't mention the fact that the vast majority of white people are working for white people

Fair argument and the election results proved it :ehh:

The fact is that we shouldn't aspire to live at a CAC standard of living but an Asian standard - Since they are the wealthiest percentage wise. :wow:


Jul 16, 2013
WE kind of have no choice now, unless we want to be the permanent underclass/servant class...which we have been since 2013.

2013?...we've been viewed that way since columbus landed on plymouth rock...which is something people are has nothing to do with being afraid, scared to do for self,'s hard to change how people think after they've been brainwashed 400+ years and that thinking has been passed down generation after generation....1 day eventually we will see more black owned businesses, our communities flourishing, us supporting each other, etc. but that shyt aint gonna happen over night....that shyt is gonna take years and generations cause we have to be 'reprogrammed' so to speak....the first step is talking about it, thinking about it, and getting people to be about it/do it....then let that snowball into more people, and be passed down generation after generation,,,,

another thing: not everyone wants to own their own business/be their own's a lot easier said than done, so dont look/talk down on people that are satisfied with supporting their families, communities, etc. working for someone long as they instill in their kids they have options, that they dont have to always work for someone, there is nothing wrong with that....seriously, it sounds like some bullshyt that people wanna brag about like it's a competition, instead of actually caring about your fellow brothas/sistas.....


Dec 15, 2019
Speak on it brehs! Felt this quote deserved its own thread.

How come we're so afraid of doing for self? Creating, employing and spending amongst ourselves.... ?

Depending on ourselves for resources - the way it should be.

How come when these topics are brought up - it causes arguments and insults?

Something is wrong here..... we're the only group who actively doesnt believe in the value of entrepreneurship and job creation.

I get it, it's hard to care about that when you've "already made it" or "got that good job" but the way we talk down and belittle entrepreneurship as if it's something to be ashamed of, is crazy.....

We sit up and talk about whitey all day, meanwhile at any point in time - he could stop writing your checks.

This is the only way to rise in this system.... thru creation and building amongst ourselves.

Cacs know our people are dependent upon them to survive and until that changes, there will be no hashtags or Protests that will make them care about anything until we affect their pockets and start competing and start disrupting their cash flow by building amongst ourselves.

Working for the white man for the rest of eternity is counterproductive if we're really about black progress as a collective.
I was thinking about this deeply the other day and I realized that this is a reinforced survival strategy. By and large, black men have entered a symbiotic relationship with white society. We are like the little fish that swim beside sharks(and whales) , who eat the leftovers of their meal.



And we are the little guys in these pictures.:snoop:

I think the reason we get such pushback when we talk about entrepreneurship is because our symbiotic strategy has worked thus far. We are basically getting a "vote of no confidence" from other black folk. It would be like telling the tiny fishies in the pics above that their destiny was to take down(or even become) the big azz shark.:merchant:

In order to counteract and disrupt our current model, we would have to create a mode of sustaining ourselves that overwhelmingly surpasses our current strategy in feeding our people. It would be the 1st proof-of-concept. We'd need a bigger win than what both dangote and Robert Smith have accomplished too.

I might be wrong here, but I think Aiko Danone might be on the right track because his wealth doesn't come from the great-white shark's leftovers ....:patrice:
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