The Black divers excavating slave shipwrecks: ‘I’m telling my ancestors: I’m with you’


Nov 21, 2013
1. You still haven’t explain the relevance of Alfonso v’s nickname to a discussion about the genealogical origins of blacks in the Americas

2. When did I say all blacks in the Americas descended from slaves? Quote me. When did I say there were no blacks in the Americas? Quote me.

3. What does black royalty have to do with anything we are talking about? When did I say that blacks kings didn’t exist? I’m talking about geneology. If most blacks (and other races for that matter) don’t descend from royalty…. Why are we even talking about “jewelry and crowns” in the first place?

4. What’s your source on black meaning “white/pale” in old English?

5. What’s the relevance of old English (which stopped being spoken in the 11th century) to terms and language used during the transatlantic slave trade?
1. I was pointing out that cac have excuses when someone is someplace they shouldn't be ("oh he's a slave" excuse) or when their name insinuates something that goes against what they say. (Fonzie is called the "African" because of who he conquers or King Charles being nicknamed "black boy"). One can either accept their flimsy excuses, or consider that they could possibly hiding something. You accept their excuses, I don't. This thread has nothing to do with genealogy. ITs "black" divers finding a "slave" ship so they can hammer into black people AGAIN, that they were slaves. Its pathetic propaganda that's meant to remind "black" people of their "lesser" status. Where are y'all telling the younger generation that they were kings and heads of kingdoms? Nowhere right?

2. Did the quote you quoted say you said that? And if you say there were black people in America before slavery, what are you even arguing against?

3. See, here are the semantics. You said that I have an obsession with the MAJORITY of blacks descending from royalty. I said I never said anything about an amount of black people descending from royalty. Pathetic people shouldn't be pitied

4. Pathetic babble. If I said the old English meaning of the world black means pale, that gives you more than enough to debunk it.

5.Whats the relevance of black/slav applying to cacs at one point of time then being switched (by who?) to referring to who we call "black" today? Those same modern "blacks" who have their history in the country they're in started at being slaves? Whats the relevance of that, PLUS "white/wight" actually meaning a living human?

Like I said, I can't pity pathetic people :hubie: . Im not even posting this to convince you of anything.Someone reading will read it, go look into and find out what's right of what I said, and what's wrong in what I said. Truth doesn't mind being questioned, only lies/liars

Yes Im sure that's what you cacs want us to do but its your numbers that are dwindling out. I don't have to tell you to kill yourself, life is doing it to you on its own

And there are cacs that don't follow the spirit of the fathers. They aren't who Im referring to :salute:


Nov 21, 2013
dude is a plant.

This character joined in on the media buck breaking of Kyrie Irving for posting a link to a documentary Amazon was and STILL is selling. The media got mad at Kyrie for posting a link, but of course ignored and still is ignoring that Amazon is still selling and distributing the documentary. Instead of considering "I wonder why the media is mad at Kyrie for the link, but not at Amazon for profiting off of and distributing the documentary" he joined in on demonising a black man for posting a link. This poster is tied to cacs and their version of who he is. Pretty pathetic, but we don't pity pathetic people


Nov 21, 2013
Y'all in here fightin' over alleged inconsistent language usage?
Im generally speaking, but only an IDIOT would think that spoken word has no power over people. I wonder what the difference would be if there are 2 children and one was complimented his whole life and the other was insulted. Which one you think would end up better when in adulthood?

Cacs grow up thinking they civilised the world. Black people in America grow up having their history taught starting from slavery. And "black" people will say kill yourself if you think there's some type of agenda/propaganda with this teaching of history. Pathetic, but I don't have pity for pathetic people

Amo Husserl

May 24, 2022
Im generally speaking, but only an IDIOT would think that spoken word has no power over people. I wonder what the difference would be if there are 2 children and one was complimented his whole life and the other was insulted. Which one you think would end up better when in adulthood?

Cacs grow up thinking they civilised the world. Black people in America grow up having their history taught starting from slavery. And "black" people will say kill yourself if you think there's some type of agenda/propaganda with this teaching of history. Pathetic, but I don't have pity for pathetic people
I skimmed the thread...

But it gotta known them cacs didn't civilize the world, they colonized it and engineered it for their benefit according to their societal norms.

I see you droppin' the old etymological and linguistic information that slav don't describe who black people really are, and that's good, but you gotta realize the meaning of words change over time to suit its usage and the user's intent.
What do a people under constant subjugation and degradation call themselves in a nation they do not have legitimate control in to actually change their mind by what they call themselves?

We can call ourselves whatever we want, that does not change the language of history.
We can call ourselves whatever we want, that does not guarantee improving our condition.

I ain't sayin' you wrong, I'm sayin' you gotta be practical with ya audience. You gotta be persuasive and take time.
Bein' all in-everybody-face with the truth ain't been workin' for us.
And if you tellin' the truth, what are you doin' about the truth you talkin' 'bout to be persuasive to your audience?

You true and livin'?

You can't be frustrated and fast to anger with a people who have undergone a five century program of social, psychological, biological, ecological, political and economic conditioning. We arguin' with each other and that's been havin' the effect of holdin' us back.

C'mon moor.


Nov 21, 2013
I skimmed the thread...

tBut it gotta known them cacs didn't civilize the world, they colonized it and engineered it for their benefit according to their societal norms.
They walked into kingdoms already built. Moors took care of Europe and who they call Indians already built out America. For instance for all their "inventions" (that happened all of a sudden once they reached America) how come we aren't taught that they used to use blimps for travel?




Its clear to anyone that looks independently that they lie about the past. Anyone saying different is either understandably ignorant, stupid or in on it.

Again teaching history in terms of cacs built/civilised everything and black history starting at being slaves easily gives one a leg up over the other. When in reality, they were the black (meant pale) slaves (slavs). They/someone took their title and gave it to us. And the "black" ones of today mock, demean, and curse those that question that and why it happened? Pathetic, but I can't pity pathetic people
I see you droppin' the old etymological and linguistic information that slav don't describe who black people really are, and that's good, but you gotta realize the meaning of words change over time to suit its usage and the user's intent.

Language changing seems to benefit cacs who can go from being black slaves to "wight" humans. Seems to hurt others who went from being "wight"humans in rulership to black slaves.

I ain't sayin' you wrong, I'm sayin' you gotta be practical with ya audience. You gotta be persuasive and take time.
Bein' all in-everybody-face with the truth ain't been workin' for us.
And if you tellin' the truth, what are you doin' about the truth you talkin' 'bout to be persuasive to your audience?

You true and livin'?

Im not trying persuade anyone though. Im laying information out for maybe even just one person (who is reading and not even commenting) to look at and break out of the "we were slaves" programming. If someone's reaction to someone questioning what we were all taught about ourselves is to tell that person to "kill their self" then that's not someone I even want being persuaded. Let them die in their prideful ignorance

You can't be frustrated and fast to anger with a people who have undergone a five century program of social, psychological, biological, ecological, political and economic conditioning. We arguin' with each other and that's been havin' the effect of holdin' us back.

C'mon moor.

Im not a moor but I don't get angry about people not believing something. But when they start insulting and threatening and name calling? I still don't get angry but it exposes what their spirit is about. How a "black" person can say a person hates their self by saying "black" people ruled everywhere and not ONLY Africa is a ridiculous premise. They limit it to Africa and someone says Africa AND this this and this and that turns to someone hating their self?

People have told me something I thought was laughable and false that ended up true. I rejected it at that time and even laughed and joked about it with them. I never insulted them for it though. I never wished bad on them. I simply said I don't believe that or I think you're going too far with it. But later, found out they were right

If someone questioning what we were all told about history gets a person to blanketly curse someone else's life away? In a world filled with lies that will push drugs and threats of violence to black people everyday thru the media? Thats a pathetic person, and pathetic people shouldn't be pitied

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.

15 Feb 2025
Between the 16th and 19th centuries, as many as a thousand slave ships carrying captive Africans sank while crossing the Atlantic Ocean. National Geographic explorer and writer Tara Roberts has been traveling the world documenting these wrecks, and tells these untold stories in her new memoir, “Written in the Waters.” Ali Rogin speaks with Roberts for our series, Race Matters