The Black Community Is Probably the Worst It’s Ever Been


The black man is always targeted.
Apr 8, 2017
I'm Glad you asked that and I recommend for you to watch BBC's History of Africa with Zeinab Badawi, the episode about "Coasts and Conquerors", "Desert Kingdoms" and "Islam in Africa".

First of all, I have to say that from a paradigm, its important for me to admit that I come from the perspective that Islam and Muhammad are the truth and that there are far too many miracles that have happened at his hand and that the message is too pristine to deny and that the transformation it evoked in countless nations is too powerful but to acknowledge. So the last sence is something that I necessarily have to disagree with.

After that, however, you have to look at what ISLAM has done for soceities rather than what Arabs have done to people. Without a doubt, the Zanzibar slave trade in East Africa was something based off of profit - but not religion. Look at the manner in which the slavery was conducted and the social system that surrounds it. The European TransAtlantic slavery, and the legal systems surrounding it, was based on the understanding that black people were cursed (hamitic myth), that there was a white man's burden to "save" us, and that we were not human. Because of that, you see that slavery became something that was hereditary. A Black person was, by the European mantle, something that was to be perpetually owned because of a supposed defect in their being.

Now with respect to Islam (and not Arabs), the means of slavery can only come about in one way - which was by virtue of wars fought with a specific religious purpose that resulted in Prisoners of War. The idea of a slave raid, by default, is HARAM (in Islam). Capturing people for the sole sake of making them slaves is IMPERMISSIBLE in ISlam, whereas this was the case with European slavery. I am not saying that Arabs did not do it, but what is the stance of Islam on that matter. The stance, categorically, is that it is forbidden.

Now the stance of Islam on the enslavement of people and their enfranchisement, irrespective of what race they may be and pursuant to those battles that are fought, is that they are to be freed for a myriad of reasons. If someone breaks an oath, he is to free a slave. Allah says that righteousness is to Free a slave (Surah Baqarah, 177); he says that the difficult path that gains reward is to feed the hungry and Free slaves (Surah Balad, 13). So there is a religious reward attached to perpetually freeing slaves in Islam in the same way as one might get a reward for fasting, praying and giving charity. What this entails is that the worldview of Islam is that slavery is to be deleted because you cannot enslave a human being; all slaves must necessarily result from a religious conflict.

Thereafter, you look at the view of Islam towards slaves - are they human beings or not. Unequivocally, you will see that the dehumanization of European slavery in making it that you are not a human being is absent from the treatment of POWs as slaves in Islam. Islam sees slaves as a social caste by chance that is to be freed gradually and once freed, they cannot be re-enslaved. It is for this reason that you will see countless rulers and scholars in Islam whose direct fathers or mothers were slaves at one point (i.e. The Jannissaries).

Beyond that facade that Iblis throws in our face to make us forget the kernel of truth, What does Islam do for a society? The first thing is that it directs them towards their maker, which - in my opinion - completely lacks in the brainwashed gangster culture rap youngsters of drill music. They are not aware of the fact that they came from something and they will return to something, and that this life is something in between. This is the product of a generation of Psyops by white America. But when you tilt someone towards the belief that there is a being who created them and will hold them accountable, they necessarily begin to reflect on their actions in life.

Secondly, it removes - through belief in consequences and through social reinforcement - the profundity towards certain forms of degeneracy put there by white people to destroy us. Look in Africa, for example, at the HIV rate by religion. The HIV rate for countries North down to Senegal is virtually zero and on the east down to Tanzania is virtually zero, whereas below that the rates get to as high as 30 and 40%. The difference between the two regions is not that one is richer than the other, because they are all poor, but because the Northern Half (including the black countries) are all Muslim and therefore certain acts of debauchery are not permitted such as anal sex, fornication, and homosexuality. People can still engage it obviously but it does not become the social issue that it would have been.

Imagine, for example, If African-Americans had been Muslim at the time that crack hit. There would not have been a crack epidemic because Islam bans drinking and all other forms of intoxicants. If someone is not permited to drink and its a social taboo, whats the likelihood of that person turning to crack? Similar arguments can be made for murder, rape, and all sorts of other things.

Finally, Islam is a religion that encourages scholarship. The very first verse revealed to the Prophet, an unlettered man, was "Read". And you will see through the Hausa, the Kuntas, the Soninke and the Mandinke, that all African tribes that came to Islam in West Africa became dominant forces because of the scholarship that it breeds by encouraging you to go towards knowledge. That has been stunted in the past 200 years because we have all been affected by colonialism; but the African American community is best poised to take advantage of that because it is situated in America but the perpetual psychological and spiritual operations make it unable to take advantage of the opportunities that white America superficially declares to be equitable.

I believe that the problem, fundamentally, is that ADOS has been taken away from the legacy of Islam that washed over West Africa between 1000 and 1500 and created a spiritual soundness in Black people that simply was superimposed on our already spiritual nature. The European believes in the positvist materialist paradigm, meaning that he only believes in that which he can touch. By virtue of that, he is willing to destroy himself in the next life to have superiority in this life. ADOS can avoid that through Islam because I can guarantee that if ADOS continues to be spiritually blind both to the true reality of events and to the situation they are in, the Europeans will take them on a handplate directly to the Anti-Christ, to Iblis, and ultimately to loss in this life and the next life.
I understand what you’re saying, but at the same time Arabs practicing Islam used it to control their slaves.

Also the one thing got I got out of that post was that ADOS as a collective needs to follow principles of moderation and discipline. Which is true, but I do not agree with using Islam as a way to do so. It can be done without that religion - it opens up too many doors for Arabs and non-black people to muddy the waters.

Rev Leon Lonnie Love

damned mine eyes, DAMNED mine eyes!!
Nov 11, 2017
@KingZimbabwe, the effort spent on this thread would be better spendtprepping for interviews and browsing linkedin and glassdoor.

Any job offers so far? :jbhmm:

You're too young to be a fresh graduate wasting your days away posting on thecoli complaining about your position while not seemingly putting ALL your might into finding employment. :francis:


The black man is always targeted.
Apr 8, 2017
@KingZimbabwe, the effort spent on this thread would be better spend prepping for interviews and browsing linkedin and glassdoor.

Any job offers so far? :jbhmm:
Nope, you wanna lend a hand? I'll shoot you my resume :ufdup: