The Black Community is a Matriarchy. Black Man go find HAPPINESS, LOVE, VALUE and PEACE wherever u can.


Louisiana Made, DC PAID!
May 9, 2012
IT Cert-Gang Mafia, GMB and HOH
First off Black Men have absolutely no power in our community. The govt and lawmakers planned and executed this to a T.

The Black Community Pecking Order:

Pandering simp like Derrick Jaxn
Street dudes
Working Men

The Black Community is a Matriarchy where the leaders have no accountability. They take no credit for the negative, but take credit for all the wins. Imagine an Army like that. Only docile men and azz kissing simps like Derrick Jaxn are accept and valued. Anytime a solid man stands up like Kevin Samuels they want you dead or in jail. Look how Trouble went out. smh

On top of that young boys in the hood don't respect you and will kill you if u try to check em.

Black men the community is done. You really can't win here. It's so toxic and dangerous. Look at how Monique disrespected DL Hughley. I've never heard any women of any race speak to any man that vile. And we're use to it.
Call me a sellout or whatever, Im smart enough to know when im not

Black man find happiness, value, peace and love anywhere you can.
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Dre God

Immortals never hurry
Mar 11, 2022
Agreed, Black men under 40 with no kids need to have a save yourself first mentality.

Prioritize your happiness, and your life.

Too often are Black men expected to just exist as a means as production for other groups of people, and that shyt is about to end with Millennials and Z nikkas waking up to the bullshyt that these old heads tried to put on us.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
The examples you’re using are terrible. When making an argument such as this one its best to keep the references to celebrities and pop culture icons to a bare minimum.

Monique came for DL and DL backed up his rebuttals with receipts and FACTS. The public tide swung almost entirely in his favor as Monique has a history of being a bitter old bat whose a nightmare to work with.

Trouble was a tragic case of another man being a crazed simp and bursting in his baby mother’s house and murdering him. From all accounts the woman involved wasn’t trying to set him up and herself had previously been victimized at the hands of said crazed simp.

Kevin Samuels was a lightening ride for controversy and he knew that and played that reputation up to generate interest, clicks, and subscribers. But with all things controversial there are both SUPPORTERS as well as detractors. He had many black female fans who swore by his philosophy and teachings and publicly attested to him being a major influence in changing their mindsets and how they went about relationships.

You have no statistics, no news articles, not even the obligatory incel/femcel YouTube argument video to bring your point home.

This is simply a rant. And we all need to rant at times; but you’d be better served to think this out next time.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
The examples you’re using are terrible. When making an argument such as this one its best to keep the references to celebrities and pop culture icons to a bare minimum.

Monique came for DL and DL backed up his rebuttals with receipts and FACTS. The public tide swung almost entirely in his favor as Monique has a history of being a bitter old bat whose a nightmare to work with.

Trouble was a tragic case of another man being a crazed simp and bursting in his baby mother’s house and murdering him. From all accounts the woman involved wasn’t trying to set him up and herself had previously been victimized at the hands of said crazed simp.

Kevin Samuels was a lightening ride for controversy and he knew that and played that reputation up to generate interest, clicks, and subscribers. But with all things controversial there are both SUPPORTERS as well as detractors. He had many black female fans who swore by his philosophy and teachings and publicly attested to him being a major influence in changing their mindsets and how they went about relationships.

You have no statistics, no news articles, not even the obligatory incel/femcel YouTube argument video to bring your point home.

This is simply a rant. And we all need to rant at times; but you’d be better served to think this out next time.

OP's post isnt a rant,this is far more sinister. For the reasons you stated it screams classic propaganda:martin:

This is probably his response to the propaganda hes recieving from black women on the internet,gays. The problems hes seeing with the youth.

OP needs to understand the black man has used our platforms to promote propaganda for years. And still today we have platforms to spread propaganda.

OP needs to answer,what did black men do with our platforms when we were the group who primarily had the platform? When we had the worlds attention? Did we use these platforms to uplift our black women? Speak nicely of gays? Positively influence the children of that time?#TheRabbitGotTheGun #TheChildOfMan:wow:

Spread positive propaganda,be a positive influence and see what happens. Righteous black men dont do what they do. You really in here talking like a divestor#TheChildOfWomen:wow:

High Art

👑King of The Salon👑
Mar 11, 2022
Myself and my own.
I think you mean it's gynocentric or at most a matriarchy. Not to diaspora war but some African countries are what would be classed as patriarchal in nature. But I actually understand the sentiment behind the post. I do think you'll see more of this sentiment and people acting on it, but it'll occur quietly and subtly.

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
First off Black Men have absolutely no power in our community. The govt and lawmakers planned and executed this to a T.

The Black Community Pecking Order:

Street dudes
Working Men

The Black Community is a Patriarchy where the leaders have no accountability. They take no credit for the negative, but take credit for all the wins. Imagine an Army like that. Only docile men and azz kissing simps like Derrick Jaxn are accept and valued. Anytime a solid man stands up like Kevin Samuels they want you dead or in jail. Look how Trouble went out. smh

On top of that young boys in the hood don't respect you and will kill you if u try to check em.

Black men the community is done. You really can't win here. It's so toxic and dangerous. Look at how Monique disrespected DL Hughley. I've never heard any women of any race speak to any man that vile. And we're use to it.
Call me a sellout or whatever, Im smart enough to know when im not

Black man find happiness, value, peace and love anywhere you can.
Op did you mean to say matriarchy? Because if you did then I agree.


Dec 19, 2017
How the women have power and they can't even control their children? :pachaha:
Because women can’t raise boys but in their sick demented head, they think they can and are rewarded for leaving the father.

Op you’re right, this shyt is a shytty matriarchy and there are societies that have had them but their women didn’t hate them either…

I’ve been saying that our youth don’t respect us at all and the women actually foster the sh*t.
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Joe Budden

Sep 18, 2014
The Black Community Pecking Order:

Street dudes
Working Men
Unfortunately OP is absolutely right about this order. It’s very alarming too. Mind you I’m a black feminist but I still see the fukk shyt in our community.

Black women are placed on top of our community by white society. Black women and girls are promoted and pushed to excel. Black boys go largely ignored.

Gays. The gay black community has been used as a Trojan horse by white society. Whether it’s a gay man or gay woman, they will push anti black male rhetoric. Their job is to ruin the image of black males and promote alternative lifestyles and families.

Street dudes. Street dudes are THE MOST coddled and catered to demographic in the black community. They play a special role. They destroy the community, provide a toxic image for black boys and girls to look up to. You know what the worst part is? There are large groups of people who will cape for them and always have a soft spot. They’ll blame everything under the sun. white supremacy, education, etc. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY will never come to into question.

The 9-5 black man. I’m sorry to say but you are truly at the bottom image wise. You look boring, safe, and you cannot add clout to any woman. You will forever be seen as a walking paycheck. Most women will not see you as a first option until they’re older and tired of dealing with street men. If you attempt to stick up for your community and rebuild, you’ll be met with resistance. “You never been in the streets. You don’t know what it’s like” “you not real” “you’re a square” “but but the gangs can protect our community”
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