Overall crime is low but violent crime is up. The worst type of crime.
Crime statistics from the first half of 2022 compared with the same period in 2021 showed an increase in violent crime, according to a new survey.
Then when you look at individual cities, their trends may not match the national trend. For example, in Dallas, homicide is up.
DPD says overall violent street crime, which includes murders, robbery and non-family violence aggravated assault, is down 12 percent from 2021.
Major Crime in New York is up
Major crimes in New York City spiked nearly 60% in February compared to the same month in 2021 -- a large majority occurring in a small swath of the metropolis -- as Mayor Eric Adams rolled out his plan to combat gun violence and crime in the city.
I can go on. But this general statement of "crime is down" is missing important nuance.