Ethnic Vagina Finder
The Great Paper Chaser
They get 80+ percent of the black vote every election cycle and for what?
And to make matters worse, if a black person agrees with some of what someone like Candice Owen's says they're considered a MAGA c00n, but if they try to critique the Democrat Party and push for change, they're also considered a MAGA c00n or a "grifter". Even though black people vote heavily democrat, we can't have a say in how the party is run? We are ONLY allowed to criticize the republican party?
That makes absolutely no since.
We can't even criticize our own community that does and says dumb shyt. Up until the election night, people on this site got criticized for saying to dumb is was to have Glorilla and Meg The Stallion perform at campaign rallies. We are basically pawns for the democrat party. They use our past trauma against us. Democrats pushed for and enacted the very crime laws that we're trying to fight now.
I'm not saying black people should switch to being Republican, but we need to stop blindly supporting a party all the time. We need to stop "conforming" to the status quo. We can't be afraid to call out bullshyt out of fear of how it makes the party look. Because they will continue to do the same thing. And the media has brainwashed everyone into feeding into identity politics by separating votes into race and gender.
And to make matters worse, if a black person agrees with some of what someone like Candice Owen's says they're considered a MAGA c00n, but if they try to critique the Democrat Party and push for change, they're also considered a MAGA c00n or a "grifter". Even though black people vote heavily democrat, we can't have a say in how the party is run? We are ONLY allowed to criticize the republican party?

We can't even criticize our own community that does and says dumb shyt. Up until the election night, people on this site got criticized for saying to dumb is was to have Glorilla and Meg The Stallion perform at campaign rallies. We are basically pawns for the democrat party. They use our past trauma against us. Democrats pushed for and enacted the very crime laws that we're trying to fight now.
I'm not saying black people should switch to being Republican, but we need to stop blindly supporting a party all the time. We need to stop "conforming" to the status quo. We can't be afraid to call out bullshyt out of fear of how it makes the party look. Because they will continue to do the same thing. And the media has brainwashed everyone into feeding into identity politics by separating votes into race and gender.