The Birth of a Nation (Official Thread)

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
Gregory Ellwood ‏@TheGregoryE 6m6 minutes ago
The Birth of A Nation is brutal, powerful with a strong vision come to life from Nate Parker. #Sundance2016

Dominick Ferrara ‏@domferrara5 6m6 minutes ago
Sounds like BIRTH OF A NATION was a hit at Sundance. Could be an Oscar contender this year. Can't wait to see it

Alex Billington ‏@firstshowing 6m6 minutes ago
The Birth of a Nation - A triumph in every way. Nate Parker takes this one to the top. Score, performances, story are perfect. Masterpiece.

Chris Barrett ‏@ChrisBarrett 6m6 minutes ago
Nate Parker gets the longest Sundance standing ovation before the film The Birth of a Nation.

Jordan Zakarin Verified account ‏@jordanzakarin 7m7 minutes ago
'The Birth of a Nation' is better than any 2016 Oscar nom; journalists complicit in #OscarsSoWhite best write about it all year. #Sundance

Alex Billington ‏@firstshowing 7m7 minutes ago
Thank the Lord for Nate Parker. The Birth of a Nation > 12 Years a Slave. "Watching a strong man fall is a terrible thing." Bravo.

Jeff Sneider Verified account ‏@TheInSneider 7m7 minutes ago
And there's another Standing Ovation for BIRTH OF A NATION.

Matt Jacobs @tarantallegra
"The Birth of a Nation" is proof that it only takes two notes of Nina Simone's "Strange Fruit" to bring a room to tears. #Sundance

Hollywood Elsewhere ‏@wellshwood
Jadon Gorber says "A Birth of a Nation" is "sure to be major discussion piece and awards contender." Trust me, it's not award-caliber.

Hollywood Elsewhere ‏@wellshwood
Standing ovation for Nate Parker's "A Birth of a Nation," but this Nat Turner saga is slow & sanctimonious -- no African "Spartacus" this.

"A Birth of a Nation" is so taken with the holy righteousness of the Nat Turner-led rebellion that it forgets to convince, persuade, engage.

Jadon Gorber says "A Birth of a Nation" is "sure to be major discussion piece and awards contender." Trust me, it's not award-caliber.

Gregory Ellwood ‏@TheGregoryE
Nate Parker gives an impassioned performance and should be at the top of Hollywood's director hires. #Sundance2016

That being said movie plays with many familiar tropes. A mix of Hollywood-ish staging and artistic vision that doesn't always mesh well.

Whoever picks Birth of A Nation up will also have a faith based audience to sell it to. Very strong part of the film. #Sundance2016

Andrea Mandell Verified account ‏@AndreaMandell 7m7 minutes ago
"Anything dealing with our history...and slavery...has been desperately sanitized." -Nate Parker #BirthOfANation

Amy Kaufman Verified account ‏@AmyKinLA 7m7 minutes ago Park City, UT
.@NateParker says financiers were reluctant about "another slave movie." Heard that people of color don't work at box office overseas.

Hollywood Elsewhere ‏@wellshwood 7m7 minutes ago Park City, UT
Does "A Birth of a Nation" measure up to Steve McQueen's "12 Years A Slave"? No, man -- it doesn't. Revolt takes way too long (90 mins.).

Alissa Wilkinson ‏@alissamarie 7m7 minutes ago
"I want people to ask: are there systems in your life that need change?"
- Nate Parker #Sundance

Glenn Kenny ‏@Glenn__Kenny 6m6 minutes ago
@wellshwood I'm thousands of miles away, and I KNEW you were gonna be "meh" on "Birth of a Nation." Why do you think that is?

Matt Hoffman ‏@HoffmanOnFilm 6m6 minutes ago
Cant deny that Nate Parker's BIRTH OF A NATION is often problematic. That being said, it's super powerful and very very important. #Sundance

Nicholas Bell ‏@RagingBells 6m6 minutes ago
Rightfully usurping the significance of the Griffith title, Nate Parker's Birth of a Nation is long overdue, commendable debut & lead perf.

Tomris Laffly ‏@TomiLaffly 7m7 minutes ago
Birth of a Nation: sharp, angry and an absolute must. Speechless. Congratulations Nate Parker! #Sundance

Jason Gorber ‏@filmfest_ca 7m7 minutes ago Park City, UT
It's Nate Parker's performance that's actually the real heart of BIRTH OF A NATION, is at times subtle, at times full of rage. #sundance

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
Some mixed reviews

Alison Willmore ‏@alisonwillmore 41m41 minutes ago Park City, UT
BIRTH OF A NATION: Nate Parker has made a BRAVEHEART-style saga for Nat Turner, which was a plus and minus to me. #sundance

david ehrlich ‏@davidehrlich 16m16 minutes ago
I wish the filmmaking in BIRTH OF A NATION were worthy of its obvious value, passion, and urgency. but *yikes.* #Sundance

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
Dude is hating hard :patrice::mjpls:
