Train hard, fight easy
You’re right. You are too. And, so are you. Look, everyone in here is basically making valid points.
What it boils down to is what works for you. I’ve heard of many, and witnessed a couple, of real life testimonials that affirm that applying these routines will indeed lay the foundation for success. I’ve also heard of people doing the opposite and still becoming successful. Not many, but it happens. To each their own, is the point.
And how did “hard work pays off” even drop in this topic? The original post states nothing about working hard to be successful/get rich. See, that’s that chip on some of y’all shoulders showing itself, brush that off.

What it boils down to is what works for you. I’ve heard of many, and witnessed a couple, of real life testimonials that affirm that applying these routines will indeed lay the foundation for success. I’ve also heard of people doing the opposite and still becoming successful. Not many, but it happens. To each their own, is the point.
And how did “hard work pays off” even drop in this topic? The original post states nothing about working hard to be successful/get rich. See, that’s that chip on some of y’all shoulders showing itself, brush that off.