100%. But I'm not into trying to change people's minds, I'm cool with letting people believe in what they want to believe, because I'm no better than anyone else. I believe what I believe, let people believe as they choose...
I'm with the position that Jesus was a real person and a teacher, preacher, prophet. But that he wasn't divine, the Son of God, nothing along those lines...
I believe in god because I don't believe any of this shyt created itself from thin air. The god I believe in isn't a sky daddy nor a myth, it's more of a being that can't really be understood with the human brain---->I don't think god has a specific look, gender, or persona other than it has the ability to create, beyond our comprehension in human form. I believe in right and wrong, and I'm still evolving in what I think the afterlife will be like. I think you are generally punished for your sins in life, though...
I don't believe in a Judgement Day that people have predicted for thousands of years and the date has always moved, historically. I don't believe in the theory that there's an undated Judgement Day that only god knows of, and will just pop up...
To any extent I believe in a Judgement Day, I think it's exclusive to your afterlife (when you die specifically). But because I don't have a concrete stance on afterlife, I don't have a concrete stance on Judgement Day other than I don't think it's one of those two above...
The gospels weren't written in real time, they were written a generation plus after Jesus' death. The Bible most black Christians follow, is so cut up and rewritten and plagiarized and questionable, I can't allow myself to treat literature like that as law. What I do believe, however, is there are parables throughout The Bible that are nuggets for life, nuggets of wisdom, but they are also nuggets you can learn just by living as a human...
I don't believe at all that unbelievers of any particular religion or denomination are destined for eternal punishment, because all these major religions are rooted in the same spirit/ideology, just took on different characteristics as they were influenced by different leaders. I don't think people who don't believe in the existence of a god are destined to eternal punishment----->though I do think that if there is an eternal paradise, those people and spirits may not be invited. They'll just be nothing...
I don't believe suicide is an unforgivable sin. I don't believe homosexuality is an unforgivable sin.
What I do believe is, if there is a Judgement Day, you are judged upon how you lived your life, were you objectively a good person. I think if you lived your life with mostly intent of harming others, you'll be judged on that...
You didn't ask me all this

I just felt compelled to share based off my initial point that I don't have a problem with people's belief systems, because I have my own. My daughter just asked me a few days ago why I don't celebrate Christmas and why I'm not a Christian. She's 8 in two months, all I could really tell her, that makes sense to her young mind, is that everyone isn't a Christian or celebrates holidays, and it's okay. It's not for everyone. Then I told her it's okay that she does and her mother does, and that when she gets older she'll be able to freely decide what her belief system is...