The Devil's Advocate
Call me Dad
Yes that's the median.. But as the article says and most know, starting out as a teacher "can take years to reach a livable wage" and they usually start on the low end. Private school teachers earn 15k less on avg. Then you have varying years of service and degrees and specializations.. and this is before taxes.Where do you live where teachers make $12.50/hr?
The Median salary for teachers is $50k+ in a vast majority states.
It's probably not 25k for many, but your avg middle school teacher is not starting off making 50k.
And yet, people survive... Today, tomorrow, yesterdayI think when people say this they are mostly talking about in this current climate with inflation, home prices, and savings
I know for the vast majority of people not just ITT, but also in the country are not saving for their retirement. Most people making 40-50k a year don't contribute to any sort of 401k or TSP. Add into the fact that housing prices are still 400k+ with 7% interest and our monthly mortgage payment on a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house is probably 2500+ a month easily
Take into account daycare expenses for a working family.. probably costs 1k a month easily. Add in medical expenses, kid activities, school supplies, car insurance, car payments, etc... you're in debt very fast with little to no savings in case of an emergency
So to say "how can someone survive" making double and triple that is a real slap in the face to people actually having to struggle and make tough decisions. These boys in the grocery thread talking bout "i shouldn't have to cook at home." are the same types asking how to survive as a single man making 60k a year.
You're spoiled and have forgotten that good jobs, 401ks, buying your own house, are things not given. Living by a Walmart, in the big city, wherever you feel like it, aren't things given. Having a high end daycare isn't a given.
There's no denying the downward spiral we're in and how hard it is getting to live HOW WE WANT TO. But let's quit with the how we gonna survive talk. As long as there's people out there with less than me and they making it, I'm going to figure it out. Have some nuts about you or you're NOT going to survive