Young people have to live at home save a down payment and pray interest rates go down c
It was also the case under Republicans.
Why do these studies use median instead of real averages?
Normally that would be the case bug the average home price is rising even with an increase in interest rates. If this keeps up young people will not be able to afford the monthly payment. Home price doesn't matter as much as long as the fluctuations arent greater than say $75-100k it's the interest rates that determine how much they can afford on their monthly payment.Low interest rates are what caused house prices to go crazy. I know it sounds wrong, but young people need to pray for interest rates to go up.
My brother you speaking real knowledge in here...I believe it. Let me tell you about my nephew and my brother in law. My nephew is young 18 just finished high school, my brother in law just got out the pen l. Both of them ask me about how to get into being an electrician. I tell them about the trade school I went to and say I'll write both of them a recommendation letter since I'm a supervisor it will help then. I tell them you'll probably start at $17-19/hr but in 4 years when you become a fresh journeyman you'll be making $30/hr or more and you'll still get a raise every year. Both of them look into it and both of them decide to go work at a fukking warehouse making like $17/hr and are perfectly OK with just sticking it out until they find something else. Brother in law is a supervisor up there works his ass off to make $22/hr and brags about how he gets 80 hours a week 40 of them being OT, and he showed me his paycheck stub and he was looking likewhen he saw his 80 hour check isn't even what my 40 hour check is. Not to mention I promise they do more actual work than I do.
At the end of the day even if you present the avenue to someone, it ain't gonna make them go get it. Too many young black men are cool with these jobs that pay those meager salaries.
I see the play hispanics did in construction. The men come over heresnd sacrifice and take the shyt jobs for low pay, meanwhile they refused to learn English. Why? Because they made their women learn English and since the men didn't know English the company had to hire a staff of bilingual workers in the office to service the field hands who do they hire, the workers wives, sisters, aunts, etc. Boom now they women are on making bread too and they women can look out for them since they in the office and let them know what's going down on the inside. Abuelo/abuela stay at home with the kids, and when the kids get old enough dad done taught their sons everything they need to know about whatever trade they work in by the time they are 18. Start in the trade fresh out of high school and since pops done taught them everything already they move up fast and boom you got your next generation of bilingual field supervisors right there, or they start their own companies after a while. They start making so much money as a family they retire they pops early for making that first sacrifice and putting up with the bullshyt.
Black people should have been took over trucking/shipping in this country... honestly there is still an avenue in construction as well since the demand is so high and immigration isn't keeping up, but someone is gonna have to bite the bullet and sacrifice and nobody seems to want to do it.
Money isnt the issue...inflation is. You could raise a family, buy a house, buy a car, and have a little fun on one person's 5000 salary just 70 years ago. shyt I remember on Good Times they had a party because James got a job paying 4400. So to think that less than a century later one person can barely get by on 10x that is just.
Because averages can include and be influenced by outliers, but by using the median instead you should have less sensitivity to outliers and get a more representative indication of where the “average” person stands.Why do these studies use median instead of real averages?
The thing about these gold rush fields is that the more people get in to them, the more the value declines. 10-15 years ago, knowing how to code/develop was like writing yourself a blank check. Just having the basic knowledge could land you a six figure job. Now tech companies are laying off developers in droves and now they're all competing heavily for an increasingly smaller pool of opportunities.I didn't read the whole thread but I see yall mentioning STEMS a lot. Is that still a viable route for someone with no experience or certificates in that field ?
All this.
I already said it before, if more of our young men just worked for ups, FedEx, or got into trucking those salary averages would shoot up in less than 1 generation. Young dudes with ups were making great money YEARS AGO. Before the fight for these recent salary increases.
STEM is where it’s at, but if more dudes literally got into the stuff I mentioned above it would literally change the community in 1 generation.
The thing about these gold rush fields is that the more people get in to them, the more the value declines. 10-15 years ago, knowing how to code/develop was like writing yourself a blank check. Just having the basic knowledge could land you a six figure job. Now tech companies are laying off developers in droves and now they're all competing heavily for an increasingly smaller pool of opportunities.
At the end of the day, there's no magical field that will have you set for life. Every field can land you in financial instability if too people are going after it. Combine that with companies wanting to use AI to replace workers and it's increasingly getting scary out there.
Was someone else. I never worked in a restaurant. I spoke about one of my programs working in the restaurant industry to get my men jobs. The context was they were icing out all the black men to give jobs to the illegal immigrants. Maybe that was it.My brother you speaking real knowledge in here...
From what I've seen on here, I think me and @Sterling Archer are the only brothers I can recall who've found the key in the restaurant industry. There's a lot of money you can make doing this shyt, that mf's don't realize, most these Amazon and warehouse type careers paying less than what I'm doing in this industry and I'm doing less work. I gotta put in some work sometimes but it ain't a sweatshop...
I've seen the wages these UPS and FedEx mf's make. They working harder to make equal or less than what I'm doing...
I've only had one homie I tried to put on with this, and give him some game on how to elevate within but I think partially, people carry this stigma that working in a restaurant means you're brokeultimately, people do what works for them...
I'd love to make 2-3x what I make now, everyone would, but I'm living nice from a very underrated career field...
Black people, be it construction or retail or whatever, have to get on board with group economics. Regardless of the industry. This is how we'll build wealth over time, and it's how everyone else built it. Build something with your loved ones...
The other part these stats miss, is you can make whatever salary, its all about what you keep. You have to adapt to inflation and be able to retain your money, too...
Why is that though? All of my friends expect maybe 1 make much more than this. We're all black so why some brothers just cool with 22 an hour?I believe it. Let me tell you about my nephew and my brother in law. My nephew is young 18 just finished high school, my brother in law just got out the pen l. Both of them ask me about how to get into being an electrician. I tell them about the trade school I went to and say I'll write both of them a recommendation letter since I'm a supervisor it will help then. I tell them you'll probably start at $17-19/hr but in 4 years when you become a fresh journeyman you'll be making $30/hr or more and you'll still get a raise every year. Both of them look into it and both of them decide to go work at a fukking warehouse making like $17/hr and are perfectly OK with just sticking it out until they find something else. Brother in law is a supervisor up there works his ass off to make $22/hr and brags about how he gets 80 hours a week 40 of them being OT, and he showed me his paycheck stub and he was looking likewhen he saw his 80 hour check isn't even what my 40 hour check is. Not to mention I promise they do more actual work than I do.
At the end of the day even if you present the avenue to someone, it ain't gonna make them go get it. Too many young black men are cool with these jobs that pay those meager salaries.
Bingo.Black people, be it construction or retail or whatever, have to get on board with group economics. Regardless of the industry. This is how we'll build wealth over time, and it's how everyone else built it. Build something with your loved ones...
My bad, that was probably it. Dudes can run it up in the restaurant industry too...Was someone else. I never worked in a restaurant. I spoke about one of my programs working in the restaurant industry to get my men jobs. The context was they were icing out all the black men to give jobs to the illegal immigrants. Maybe that was it.