While I'll never defend the WWE's obvious booking w/ the Rusev thing and some of the stereotypes of all races over the years, let's be real here, we all found the Godfather entertaining...if he was white it would've been corny. So him being black pimp, worked. We liked the NOD, and that was clearly based on the (majority black) Nation of Islam. And I never found Crime Tyme to be anything more than a complete spoof of pop-culture. Crime Time didnt represent Black culture b/c I dont know any dudes in real life like that....but it fits rappers of that era.
With that said, that still doesnt excuse the lack of (ZERO) Black WWE world champs. The argument from WWE's end would be that a black world champ wouldnt draw money with teh fans.....and that might be true. But it's only true b/c they are strapped with silly gimmicks or given nothing to work with.
I already see people copping pleas for the fact that Dwayne is half black. Funniest response to that was someone on Uproxx saying Rock is WWE's version of "we totally have a black friend."
And what's funny is, Rock is a HELL OF A trump card or WWE to use that line on.
People can bring up the Rock, but the problem is he is the standard for black wrestlers. Meaning if black wrestlers want to see the belt... They have to be just as good or better than the Rock. Good in ring skills and mic skills. You have to be good. REAL GOOD. The crowd has to LOVE YOU. The minimum they'll only take is a Booker T level.
But the problem is, as I've said a hundred times, Rock wasn't seen as black by fans. If anything his Samoan hertiage was trumped over his fathers african descent/heritage, which was never really mentioned