I buy way too many games so my purchasing of games doesn't typically align when I actually play them. It won't be on Gamepass forever so I figure if get it now, it would be there whenever I did want to play it. Most games go to the backlog honestly.
As I still prefer physical I guess one can say I have an addiction to buying games but this is something that I've done since I've had disposable income of my own. I'll buy a game, typically at launch and get to actually playing it down the road so when the inclination to actually get into the game comes, I already have it. Only games like Zelda, halo or God of War will have me actually play it at the time of release. Mass Effect Remastered and Resident Evil 8 is still in plastic for example. I'll get to them one day. I just want to have my copy now. It's weird and I could save money waiting for sales but I'd ultimately not worry about it so I'll buy at launch.