Another thing you have to be careful of is "death waves"...were you build residential to fast...those people age and die at the same then they don't pay taxes cause they are dead...then your industry goes belly up because their is no one to work them...then your commercial goes belly up cause their is nobody to shop at the stores and nobody to work at the industry who supplies the no taxes from residents who died no taxes from industries who can't find workers no taxes from commercials who can't get goods to sell from industry...
If you use Education Boost this is all but guaranteed to happen the very first life cycle of sims after you use it...old sims die and young adult sims prefer college over jobs so damn near ALL your industry and commercial dies and your taxes get destroyed...
good looking out man...
I was loosing my mind trying to figure out how all these people dying left and right....
I started over recently made a nice little farm town... The next plot of land I'm building a waterfront property city... gonna be badass...